Aaron Carter Puts On Emotional Performance Amid Drug Concerns
By TheBlast Staff on September 23, 2017 at 2:22 AM EDT
Aaron Carter spilled his heart out on a jewelry showroom floor not long before he decided to go to rehab.
Carter was a far cry from the erratic, suicidal person friends and family have recently shown concern over in recent weeks.
The singer, who obviously looks like he has been going through a rough time, was in his element several weeks ago when he put on an impromptu piano performance at Gold & Diamond Source, a jewelry store in Clearwater, Florida.
Jewelry store owner Julie Weintraub tells The Blast that Carter came by the store a couple of weeks ago looking at watches. Weintraub asked about Carter's piano tattoo and Carter happily offered to play a couple songs on the store's grand piano.
It is emotional — you can see in the video that employees and fans of Carter's are blown away by his talent. When you watch this video, the first reaction is ... let's pull for the star to pull through.
We're told Carter gladly posed for photos and left with several nice pieces of jewelry.