Quantasia Sharpton Scales Up Her Weight Loss Effort
By TheBlast Staff on October 13, 2017 at 12:27 PM EDT
Quantasia Sharpton is following through on her goal of losing 260 lbs after getting fat shamed when she publicly accused Usher of exposing her to herpes.
Sharpton met with weight loss surgeon Michael Feiz last week to discuss her Gastric Sleeve surgery. She filled out paperwork, got weighed, and had her consultation.
At one point in the consultation, the doc even showed Quantasia an example of what he plans to do to her stomach using a model of the organ.
Of course, Quantasia wore her "Fat Conceited B*tch" jacket. If all goes according to plan, she'll need a "Skinny Conceited B*tch" one soon.
As we previously reported, Quantasia wants to get down from 420 lbs to 160 because after she claimed to have a sexual escapade with Usher, she was tormented by internet trolls over her weight.
