Celebrity Psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy Claims His Own Son Planned To Murder Him
By Afouda Bamidele on December 22, 2023 at 4:25 PM EST
Updated on December 22, 2023 at 4:32 PM EST
Dr. Charles Sophy, the Psychiatrist to the Stars, has filed a restraining order against his son Benjamin Sophy-Voss.
According to legal documents obtained by The Blast, the celebrity psychiatrist claimed his son subjected him to "multiple acts of abuse," and he is afraid "he can be killed in his sleep" by the 22-year-old who has mental health issues. Shockingly, he says his own son was planning to kill him after being found with "murder tools."
Celebrity Psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy Files Restraining Order Against Own Son
According to Dr. Sophy, he is both Benjamin's dad and psychiatrist after the 22-year-old was diagnosed with mental health issues as a child. He says Benjamin is diagnosed with "attention deficit disorder as well as bipolar disorder."

The former medical director for the County of Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services claimed he wasn't waiving attorney-client privilege by sharing details of the abuse he endured at the hands of his son. Dr. Sophy, in his restraining order petition, claimed Benjamin emotionally and physically abused him multiple times.
"Following multiple acts of abuse by [my son,] I have had to take measures to protect myself, out of fear he will kill me," the 63-year-old wrote. "Even though we live in my house together, I lock my bedroom door when I go to sleep at night out of fear he would otherwise come in while I sleep and kill me."
Dr. Sophy recalled a recent domestic violence incident that occurred on December 15. "I was home with [him] and the housekeeper in the afternoon. At around 3:15 pm, I went to the back porch where he was located. [He] was at a table, doing something with his Airsoft rifle."
He continued, "When I approached [him] I could see that he had tools out, presumably to work on the rifle. I could see that he was in a compromised state. [His] eyes were not normal, his physical appearance was disheveled, and from prior experience, I knew he was not in a stable frame of mind."
Dr Sophy revealed that he was immediately concerned for his safety because Benjamin previously inflicted violence upon him. "I started to speak with him tocalm him downand ascertain his mental state. I was standing close to [him], when he suddenly bolted up from his seat, startlingme," he recalled in the court documents.
He added, "[He] immediately grabbed the rifle andpointed it in my face. He began screaming at me that he was going to kill me, saying such things as, 'that's it, you are going to fucking die!', and, 'I am going to kill you right now!'"
Dr. Charles Sophy Was Shot By His Own Son

The famous doctor claims he immediately ran away while calling out to the housekeeper to call 911. He and the housekeeper went into the laundry room to hide and "could hear [him] walking through the house, continuing to threaten to kill me."
"Unfortunately, the laundry room does not have a lock on the door," Dr Sophy disclosed. "[He] began banging on the door to the room andforced his way inside. He was screaming his death threats with such ferocity that his face turned purple, and he appeared to be frothing at the mouth."
The celebrity psychiatrist further revealed, "I began to struggle with him to save my life. [He] had been pointing the rifle at my face. I was trying to grab him, the rifle, anything I could. In the struggle, I fell to the ground. He began bludgeoning me with the rifle, striking me on the back, back of my ear, and my leg. I was striking back at him with my cell phone, trying to get him off me."
I was able to stand up andbegan begging him not to kill me and to stopthe attack.His response, "I am going to kill you, you are an a-- hole." [He] put the rifle in my face, so I covered my face and tried to move away from him. He fired, striking me in my leg. I was in immediate extreme pain andcould feel that I was bleeding. It caused a deep wound in my leg, profuse bleeding, and severe bruising."
Dr. Sophy told the court that the shooting caused him "horrific distress" and he contemplated jumping out of the second-floor window of the laundry room to save my life. However, law enforcement interfered before things could become worse.

In another November incident, Dr. Sophy alleged his son " rushed at me, grabbed me, shoved me into the refrigerator, and held the knife to my throat." He claimed the 22-year-old held the blade lengthwise along his throat, and intermittently stabbed him in the legs and arms while yelling "You're going to f---ing die tonight!", and "I'm sick of your s--t!"
Dr. Sophy wants the judge to grant him a no-contact order and make his son stay at least 100 yards away. The famous medical professional also asked the court to order Benjamin to leave his Beverly Hills property.
"I am in sustained fear that Respondent will come home and kill me, as well aswhoever may behome with me," he lamented in the petition.
Celebrity Psychiatrist Claims His Son Planned On Murdering Him With 'Murder Tools'
Shockingly, in the documents, Dr. Sophy claims after his son was arrested -- he found evidence of a plan to kill him.
"Alarmingly, after his arrest, I looked inside [my son's] car. I found a full container of gasoline, and a circular saw, akin to the ones used to cut through thick branches, i.e., bones," he wrote.
Adding, "This appeared to be [his] preparations to kill me, corroborated by the previous incident where he brought home a box with items to tie me up, silence me, and stab me."
Dr. Charles Sophy is a prominent psychiatrist who has worked with several A-listers in Hollywood including Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, and more.
The case is now up to a judge.