Hope Hicks' Next Move After White House: Wanted Back in Celebrity Crisis PR
By TheBlast Staff on February 28, 2018 at 3:46 AM EST
Hope Hicks put in her two-week notice at the White House, but she's not going to be looking too hard for work because some of the biggest PR firms in Hollywood would hire the soon-to-be ex-White House staffer as soon as she leaves Washington D.C.
The Blast spoke with some of the biggest public relations and crisis firms in the entertainment business who say Hicks' already impressive resumé is now even stronger after her run as President Trump's communications director because she's "survived under the most extreme pressures."
One Hollywood insider told us landing Hicks would be a "huge asset" because of her recent experience dealing with huge public relations issues on a global stage. Another enticing thing for the private sector is that despite her relationship with Trump and his team, Hicks is well liked by the media. While her personal life and actions have been scrutinized, she has not been ridiculed like many of Trump's other staffers.
Another favorable quality for the entertainment world with Hicks is that we're told in today's "Weinstein-esque" society, she would be an ideal candidate for representation.
A slight problem -- her admission of telling little "white lies." We're told the cardinal rule of PR is "not lying to the media." Giving "spin" and "constructing responses" that are favorable to your client are one thing ... but all the experts said even "white lies" can be damaging.
Hicks isn't a novice though, she already has a history with celebrity PR and crisis and even worked with Mathew Hiltzik at Hiltzik Strategies in NYC before joining the Trump Organization in 2014.
Regardless of her time with Trump or why she left the White House, we're told her connection to Washington will be a huge boost in the private sector. It's currently unclear if any of the big firms have yet to reach out with official offers.