Camera Captures Vicious Bear Attack On Unsuspecting Eco Protesters
By Afouda Bamidele on November 17, 2023 at 10:15 AM EST
Eco protesters will have to look right, then left, and make sure there aren't any bears lurking around before making their next post in the Bieszczady Mountains!
Two pseudo-ecologists experienced quite the ironic twist of fate in their attempt to raise awareness about the destruction of natural habitats by foresters. However, these individuals unknowingly invaded the lair of a bear, who did not take kindly to the unexpected visitors.
Eco Protester Startled Hibernating Grizzly In Its Den
The horrifying incident, captured on camera, occurred in the Bieszczady Mountains, a part of the Outer Eastern Carpathians in Poland. In the footage, a German eco-protestor and fellow activist were seen in the area attempting to demonstrate how the logging business had impacted animals' homes.
The duo expected the bear's den they found to be empty, proving their points about foresters forcing animals out of their lairs. Unfortunately, the pair was frightened when a large brown bear emerged from the habitat, displeased by the uninvited guests in its territory.

A chase ensued, with the protesters scrambling for safety in the woods! Escaping from the massive predator was not an easy feat given its shocking appearance and size. One of the activists lost his footing in the race and became prey for the enraged bear.
The man was viciously attacked but luckily survived the near-fatal encounter following a quick response from mountain rescuers. The eco protester was later airlifted to hospital, where he is reported to be in a serious but stable condition, per The Daily Mail. The event video was shared on X by Michał Gzowski, a spokesman for the Polish Forestry Service.
The rep found the incident ironic and bashed the eco-protesters for falling into a predicament that required the help of the people they are fighting against. Gzowski's caption read:
"A camera trap captured a bear attacking an eco-activist. He wanted to prove that the lair was empty because foresters had destroyed his habitat. Quite an irony of fate - pseudo-ecologists were attacking foresters, GOPR and policemen, and now these people are saving their lives. Will there be a Darwin award?"
Fotopułapka uchwyciła atak niedźwiedzia na ekoaktywistę. Chciał udowodnić, że gawra jest pusta bo leśnicy zniszczyli jego siedlisko. Niezła ironia losu - pseudoekolodzy szczuli na leśników, GOPR i policjantów, a teraz ci ludzie ratują im życie.
Będzie Nagroda Darwina? pic.twitter.com/ig32fe05Ne
— Michał Gzowski (@GzowskiMichal) November 15, 2023
Additionally, the victims did not receive support from The Wild Carpathians Initiative. Following the incident, the organization acknowledged its activists were wrong and should have known better than to disturb a bear preparing for hibernation.
Mountain rescuers, GOPR Bieszczady, echoed similar sentiments in their Facebook post, writing:
"The victim made a mistake or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We will not judge this. If he made a mistake, he/she got a solid lesson. If he was there by chance, he'll have to draw some conclusions."
"For us as rescuers, the most important thing is that we managed to save a man in time. That the whole situation ended with a happy ending for all of us," the mountain rescuers claimed before stressing their neutrality in the battle between eco-protesters and foresters. In their words:
"I remind you that this is a post about the rescue operation of a person attacked by a bear and not a post about deforestation or activist activities."
See More Photos...HERE
Alberta Man Recounts Gruesome Tale Of Bear Attack
Days before the eco protesters were attacked by a bear in Poland, an Alberta man recounted his near-fatal encounter with the carnivorous beast in the memoir "Mauled: Lessons Learned from a Grizzly Bear Attack." The incident occurred on August 24, 2017, when Jeremy Evans encountered a grizzly bear cub and its mother.

In a desperate attempt to frighten the ferocious creature, the maintenance supervisor threw his bicycle at the cub's mother. But all he got in return was an enraged bear hellbent on crushing on him, and Evans ran for his life.
The author recalled being mauled by the animal, a life-threatening incident that left him thinking death had come as the bear sank its razor-sharp teeth into his face and head. Recounting the horrific moment, the Alberta man wrote:
"I heard the sound of ice breaking – the sound I was hearing was her teeth scraping against my skull and just crunching down on it. I was in a bad spot, totally screwed."
Despite enduring the unimaginable pain, Evans did not relent and valiantly defended himself by sticking his fingers in the bear's eyes and down its throat. His efforts eventually paid off, and he was able to escape the creature while bearing his gruesome injuries.
Evans reportedly crawled through the wilderness for six hours before reaching his truck and mustering up the energy to drive to a lodge of help. The Alberta man even left a message for his wife and daughter, thinking he would not survive the harrowing ordeal.