John Daly's Bus Gets Smashed at Hooters During The Masters
By TheBlast Staff on April 6, 2018 at 11:22 PM EDT
PGA legend John Daly didn't even have to get on the fairway at Augusta to find himself in the middle of the action.
Daly has been posted up in the Hooters parking lot during The Masters while he signs merchandise, takes photos and chain smokes cigarettes.
Friday morning a witness posted a picture after a car appeared to have crashed into Daly's bus, which he is known for driving around the country to PGA events and setting up shop to hawk his wares. Daly, who once tied for 3rd at The Masters, could be seen surveying the situation while rocking a red shirt and shorts.
It's unclear what caused the crash or if there were injuries, but the photo appears to show bystanders attempting to free the driver from the other vehicle.
As far as Daly, there are worse things than having your bus get hit while you're at a Hooters in Augusta during The Masters...