Sketch of the Man Who Allegedly Harassed Stormy Daniels Has Many Celebrities Lookalikes
By TheBlast Staff on April 17, 2018 at 1:28 AM EDT
Sometimes, Twitter just really comes through when you need it.
Stormy Daniels sat down with a sketch artist to mock up a rendering of a man who allegedly threatened her to keep quiet about her affair with President Trump.
Her attorney, Michael Avenatti, posted a tweet offering $100,000 to anyone who can help positively identify the man in the sketch and Twitter did *not* disappoint.
The internet couldn't help but notice that the alleged man in question looks a whole lot like a ton of famous actors. In less than 30 minutes, suggestions were pouring in and they are pure gold.
Old-School Brad Pitt

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Vintage Val Kilmer

Getty / Michael Avenatti

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Anthony Michael Hall

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Taking a break from serial killing ... Dexter (Michael C Hall)

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Team America's Gary Johnston (F**K YEAH!)

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Eric Trump

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Thomas Haden Church

Getty / Michael Avenatti
Adrian Grenier

Getty / Michael Avenatti
And, finally: The Mooch

Getty / Michael Avenatti
If you happen to know who the *actual* person in the sketch is, you can email Stormy's team at idthethug@gmail.com.
