Kourtney Kardashian on Kapitol Hill Lobbying Kongress for Kosmetics Regulation
By TheBlast Staff on April 24, 2018 at 1:05 AM EDT
Kourtney Kardashian is in our nation's capital lobbying Congress to push for safer, greener regulations for cosmetics.
The eldest Kardashian is a massive proponent of eco-friendly, safe, natural products sans harmful chemicals in all aspects her life from food to beauty products. Kardashian is currently working alongside the Environmental Working Group in Washington DC to garner congressional support for a piece of bipartisan legislation aimed at reforming how the FDA regulates personal care products.
The reality mogul just launched cosmetics collaboration with her younger sister Kylie Jenner today called Kourt x Kylie which nods to her eco-friendly lifestyle with color names like "matcha" and "gluten free."
Kourtney sat down with EWG President Ken Cook to discuss their #beautymadebetter campaign that aims to protect consumers to harmful chemicals and toxins in their cosmetics but pushing for stricter regulations for the makers of the products.

Kardashian appeared on Capitol Hill alongside Rep. Frank Pallone, a Democrat from New Jersey, and the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee who is spearheading the effort to change cosmetics regulations which were enacted back in the 1930s and haven't been updated.

Even though the star was there for business purposes (in a fabulous business suit) the beltway bubble couldn't resist an opportunity to shake the well-manicured hand of a Kardashian. The mother of three stopped to take a photos with Hill staffers.
