Paris Hilton Cried As She Testified Against Hacker: 'Scared, Terrified and Traumatized' Over Violation
By TheBlast Staff on May 7, 2018 at 2:21 AM EDT
Paris Hilton just described the harm in open court caused by a woman who hacked her bank accounts, and could not stop herself from crying while describing the crime, and The Blast has obtained her entire statement.
The hotel heiress just left the federal courthouse in Los Angeles after Paystar Bkhchadzhyan was sentenced to 57 months in prison to bank fraud conspiracy.
According to prosecutors, Paytsar Bkhchadzhyan hacked Hilton's bank accounts for thousands of dollars. She also allegedly got into Paris' iCloud account and stole nude photos.
Paris wrote and read a lengthy statement during the court hearing, and said she is now fearful to be home alone: "This has impacted me in so many ways. I am constantly looking over my shoulder and even scared to walk into my home alone fearful that this woman or her boyfriend or other dangerous friends are inside there waiting to hurt me or steal from me."
Read the full statement:
"Thank you your honor. It is very important for me to stand here today and pursue legal action on behalf of myself, my family and anyone who has been targeted with hacking. This was stealing and an invasion of my privacy. Public figure or not, no one should be a target for this crime. I hope that by being here today it brings awareness that this won’t be tolerated and moving forward it doesn’t continue to happen to me or anyone else."
"When I first found out that my personal emails, iCloud, credit cards and identity had been stolen and taken over by some stranger I felt so upset, hurt and violated. The defendant not only hacked into my accounts and made credit cards with my name on them but somehow found a way to hack into the email accounts of my employees, my friends and my family members such as my father and sister. The defendant started contacting me personally thru text after she impersonated me to a phone company and took over my cell phones where she actually had set it up so that she had her own phones that were directly linked to mine receiving all of my personal texts, emails, whatsapp conversations, private photos and videos."

"The defendant was impersonating to be someone else and she lied to me, tried to con, scare and extort me for money saying that these other women had broken into my iCloud and stolen private photos and messages and threatening me that if I did not pay for my pictures and my private information that it would be sold to the media to be leaked to public. I was told that they were already in talks with reporters and media companies interested. I was so upset, distraught and terrified that I could hardly sleep that entire week constantly being contacted by this woman who had targeted me and my life. It was so scary, upsetting, disturbing, shocking, and stressful to be threatened and extorted in such a way."
"It even got scarier when the front gate security guards in the gated community where I live started getting very heated calls from a woman they said was very rude impersonating me and demanding that her guests only be let into the gates of my private community but also to be let into my house. During this time I was in Switzerland terrified that these strangers were going to break into my home and steal everything."
"When she was not allowed past the security gate or into my home she started writing extremely rude messages to my assistant Angie Enos again impersonating and pretending to be me and demanding that Angie wire $50k into her account. At this point my assistant knows that I would never speak to her in such a rude way so she contacted me over the phone to ask if I had asked for the wire and I said no. Then because this woman could not get the wire from my assistant she targeted my parents and wrote my mother very rude messages demanding that she take out $50k in cash to be sent to her from my mothers account. My mom then contacted me to ask if it was me because she knew that I would never be asking for money from her. The defendant then again using my private email account started writing several of my friends asking them to send private photos of us together and other personal questions all the while my friends are thinking it is me asking since this is all being written from my personal email account. It was never ending. This was so stressful."
"Then we discovered from the Roosevelt Hotel that the defendant impersonated me once again and booked the penthouse suite at the hotel to throw a New Year’s Eve party ordering tens of thousands of dollars of champagne on my credit card. Also being extremely rude to the staff at the hotel. Also using my credit card to go buy watches and other expensive items. The defendant also used my identity and credit card information at the Mr. C Hotel in Beverly Hills spending on my credit card for room and personal entertainment. Now it has made me very scared, terrified and traumatized. This has impacted me in so many ways. I am constantly looking over my shoulder and even scared to walk into my home alone fearful that this woman or her boyfriend or other dangerous friends are inside there waiting to hurt me or steal from me."
"This woman targeted me in such a way that I will never forget or get over it. I feel so incredibly violated. She was trying to get all my user names and passwords for every single one of my email and bank accounts. She took over my life and identity. She tried to shake me up for money. It was all so unbelievable and crazy that it truly seemed like something out of a movie. I have a very busy schedule and was supposed to be out of town today but I rescheduled my trip just to be here because I wanted you, your honor, to know and understand just how much this truly affected me and what a serious crime this is."
"I have been violated so many times in my life and I am sick and tired of just brushing it under the rug and not standing up for myself. I want the defendant and any other hackers out their who are planning to target me or anyone else that this is wrong, highly illegal and a serious crime and it will not be tolerated and if they attempt again then they will be punished for their despicable actions. No one should ever have to go through this or made to feel this way and I hope by being here today it will help make a difference and make people think twice before they attempt or try to do such deplorable things to another person and hopefully put a stop to this. Thank you, your honor."