Doug Reinhardt Claims Wife Smeared His Blood On Herself During Crutch Beatdown
By TheBlast Staff on May 10, 2018 at 12:48 AM EDT
Former MLB player and "The Hills" star Doug Reinhardt bled like a stuck pig while his wife Natalie Sutton allegedly brutalized him with his own crutch, and he claims she smeared the blood on her body in an attempt to make herself appear as the victim ... but it didn't work and she ended up in jail.
According to the Paradise Valley Police Report, cops responded to the luxurious Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort on April 27 after Natalie called claiming Reinhardt had "choked her, slapped her and bit her." She also claimed Reinhardt pinned her to the ground, but officers did not observe any physical injuries to back up her claim.
However, Reinhardt, who famously dated Paris Hilton, was covered in blood with "numerous facial scratches and bruises on his face, mainly on the left side of his face"
According to Reinhardt's legal team, Sutton was "observed attempting to smear Douglas' blood on herself in an attempt to make it appear that she had suffered injuries, or in an attempt to make it appear that Douglas was somehow the aggressor."
They also claim that any possible injuries to Sutton's face are actually just the "result of cosmetic surgery that she recently underwent, which can be confirmed by the stitches behind her ears."
In contrast to Reinhardt's claims, cops reported that when they asked Sutton about the dried blood on her person, she admitted that it was not hers.
Reinhardt told police they were in town with his family on business and had been celebrating a good meeting, when Natalie allegedly "consumed a lot of alcohol."
He said that when the couple got back to their hotel room, Natlie "lost her marbles" and began punching and slapping him in the face. Reinhardt recently had ACL surgery, and he said Natalie grabbed one of his crutches and began beating him. She allegedly hit him so hard that the metal crutch bent. Police also observed defensive wounds on the outside of Reinhardt's forearm.
Within minutes of the police responding to the incident, Reinhardt's mother was present and trying to defend her son. She told police that Sutton had also been physical and confrontational with her.
Reinhardt's mother initially did not want to press her own charges, but claims after she saw bruising on her hand the next morning, changed her mind and contacted police to request additional charges.
Officers observed that both Reinhardt and his wife appeared to show signs of intoxication, but in the end concluded that she had been the aggressor and arrested her for assault and criminal damage for allegedly chucking his phone against the wall of their hotel room.
Sutton was released the next morning, and Reinhardt has already filed for divorce.