Kendrick Lamar Brought 'Clean' Rapping Fan Onstage Before N-Word Hurling Girl
By TheBlast Staff on May 22, 2018 at 12:32 AM EDT
Kendrick Lamar had good reason to believe Delaney wouldn't drop the n-bomb in front of a sold-out crowd while singing one of his songs, because she went after a guy who got up on stage and killed it without uttering a single racist epithet.
The Blast has obtained video of Rohan Ghosh, who does not appear to be black, grabbing the mic during Hangout Fest in Alabama for his try at "M.A.A.D. City." Rohan is a total pro, not only does he crush the lyrics ... he strategically moves the microphone away from his face every time THAT word comes up, eliminating the chance for even a tiny slip-up.
Moments later, young Delaney took the stage and did the exact opposite, dropping the N-word like she was writing for a Quentin Tarantino flick.
After the incident went viral, many people began circulating the phrase "Be a Rohan, Not a Delaney."
Smart move, Rohan.