Val Kilmer Calls Anthony Bourdain's Suicide 'So Selfish'
By TheBlast Staff on June 8, 2018 at 2:25 AM EDT
Val Kilmer called Anthony Bourdain's suicide "so selfish" and says his passing has "given us cause to be so angry."
The actor wrote a lengthy post on Facebook, writing "How many moments away were you from feeling the love that was universal. From every corner of the world you were loved. So selfish. You’ve given us cause to be so angry. A spiritual guide once told me suicide is the most selfish act a human can execute."
Kilmer continues, "So what? I hear you took your life in paris. What hotel? Did you relapse? ... Those of us that knew you are shocked and angry and angry and angry selfishly angry, for what you just did to us. Millions I should think. At least a million people like me who imagine they know you. Some imagine they know you even well. But you heard that phone ringing, you felt it buzzing in your coat or pants pocket, vibrating a million times, but you didn’t answer it. You let it ring out ... Is it important we know how you did it? No. But that you did it."
In speaking of "darkness" and questioning what "cloud[ed] over evert last sunny moment" of Anthony Bourdain's days, Kilmer continued, "My prayer before the light breaks this morning of June 8th, is that it doesn’t ever again fool another warrior like you, who chased the hot slice of momentary satisfaction around the world 15 times, but found no reason for 16."
"Who says you had a right to take away all this love from us so soon? ... You left too soon my friend. I fell asleep to watching you enjoy Uruguay last night. It was a rerun but I always find something I didn’t see before... you left too soon. And I’m going to prove it..." he ended his post.
Val Kilmer's words were quickly met with criticism in the comments section, with many bashing the actor for calling suicide "selfish."
Kilmer defended his words, responding to one fan, "Clearly you miss my whole point of love. I believe that Love can heal. It is not that I believe because he had an illness it was up to him to be solely responsible. You I am sorry to say, didn’t read what I wrote very carefully. I have grown up around extreme depression my whole life and have studied it intensely. I certainly wouldn’t judge his pain nor did I claim to. But clearly he felt he couldn’t take another breath and Love and a search for it enables us to try one more time. Is it not selfish that he could not consider his poor daughters needs for even an hour before committing the act."
Read Kilmer's entire post below: