Founder of Real 'Destiny Pictures' Had Nothing to Do With Donald Trump's North Korea Video
By TheBlast Staff on June 12, 2018 at 1:17 AM EDT
An independent film producer awoke to a torrent of press Tuesday morning after it appeared his company produced a fake movie trailer glorifying the relationship between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un ... but the producer wants to set the record straight that "I had nothing to do with it!!!"
The Blast spoke with Mark Castaldo, founder of the award-winning Destiny Pictures production company in Los Angeles. He wants to make it very clear that he did not produce the trailer President Trump aired during the Singapore Summit with Kim Jong Un.
Castaldo flat out says, "It's not something I would have done or wanted to have been a part of." As for why Trump chose Destiny Pictures as the producer of his mock movie, Castaldo thinks it was chosen as a placeholder for "the future" that Trump wants. He agrees that the name is fitting for the message Trump wants to deliver, but wishes he would've chosen a different name.
In case you haven't seen the cringe-worthy production yet, The Trump administration apparently put together a four-minute long faux movie trailer starring the two leaders as crusaders for peace and the President showed the video to Kim Jon Un on an iPad during their meeting about denuclearizing North Korea.
The video was also broadcast during a press conference, and Trump bragged to reporters that he thinks Kim loved it.
Castaldo, who identifies politically as Independent, says his company produces "inspirational" movies that "have something to say," and doesn't think Trump's film quite fit the bill for his stamp of approval.
As for his next step or whether he will reach out to the White House to inquire more about their Destiny Pictures, Castaldo says he's still trying to absorb the whole situation.
