Donations Pour In For XXXTentacion's Ex-Girlfriend and Alleged Victim Minutes After His Death
By TheBlast Staff on June 19, 2018 at 1:26 AM EDT
Geneva Ayala, the ex-girlfriend and alleged assault victim ofXXXTentacion, received a windfall of donations minutes after the rapper died for a fundraiser towards surgery to repair injuries he allegedly caused.
Within one hour after the news of XXX's death broke, the GoFundMe account Ayala started in late 2016 to raise funds for injuries he allegedly caused received over $1000 in donations made by more than 100 people.
Ayala launched the campaign in 2016 to cover the costs of orbital eye surgery stemming from injuries when XXX allegedly gave her two black eyes and beat her so severely it left her with a fracture that was damaging her optic nerve, a surgery that would cost roughly $20,000.
She claims that shortly after launch, the rapper's fans accused her of fraud and the account was temporarily frozen. It was re-activated less than a month ago.
Before XXXTentacion's death, Ayala had just barely met her goal of $25,000 and as of this writing, she had raised close to $27,000.