XXXTentacion Private Funeral Featured Police Protection
By TheBlast Staff on July 2, 2018 at 12:41 AM EDT
XXXTentacion was quietly laid to rest in a private service over the weekend, and to ensure the peace was kept and the family did not have to worry about security, police protection was provided by local law enforcement.
Police in Boca Raton tell The Blast a detail officer was assigned to the grave of XXXTentacion for the private services over the weekend at the Gardens of Boca Raton Memorial Park.
We're told there were no issues, and the police detail has now left the grave of the late hip-hop star. As for fans wishing to visit, unfortunately XXX is entombed in a private cemetery with a guard at the entrance.
The cemetery tells us the rapper's family provided instructions that any fans who wish to leave gifts for XXX should donate to his memorial fund. As we reported, the foundation was set up by his mother shortly after he was murdered, and will be used to support charities the star was passionate about.
XXXTentacion is not the only celebrity located in the Boca Raton cemetery. His mausoleum is located near the resting place of Eugenia Paul, an actress who played Elena Torres in the 50's TV adaptation of "Zorro."
The private funeral followed a public memorial and viewing of the rapper's body which was attended by thousands of fans.