Kim Kardashian Wasn't Joking About Kanye Almost Being a Billionaire
By TheBlast Staff on July 31, 2018 at 11:44 AM EDT
Kim Kardashian wasn't joking when she said Kanye West is close to joining the 3-comma club, and it's all thanks to Yeezy.
Sources close to Kanye tell The Blast his Yeezy company with Adidas just received a valuation that put their total worth close to $1.5 BILLION.
We're told because Kanye is a majority stake holder in all things Yeezy, he is right at the line of being considered a billionaire.
Our sources say that Kanye has received several offers for investments and potential buyers of the company, but he has not decided yet how much, if any, he wants to part with.
Kim was just on the Jimmy Kimmel Show talking about her sister Kylie Jenner's financial success when Kimmel asked if she herself was close to a billionaire.
Kim revealed that "I would say my husband is. That makes me one, right?" Kylie took some heat after Forbes declared she was a "self-made billionaire" and fans pointed out she was a product of her famous family. However, Kylie's been involved with her company since the beginning, and her cosmetics line literally prints money.
Now that Kim has revealed Kanye is raking in the dough, it looks like Kylie won't be the only one hooking up the family with fantastic Christmas presents this year.
BTW, Kim may not be a billionaire ... but she's worth hundreds of millions, so she's doing just fine.