‘Bachelorette’ Alum Josh Seiter's Ex Claims He Faked His Own Death Hoax
By Kristin Myers on August 30, 2023 at 10:45 AM EDT
Former “Bachelorette” contestant Josh Seiter took to Instagram yesterday to confirm that he was "alive and well" after an alleged hacker posted a statement on his social media account claiming that he passed away.
Although no cause of death had been identified in the now-deleted statement, the reality star had been candid with his followers about his struggle with depression and past suicide attempts. That being said, it looks like a hacker took advantage of his mental health struggles in order to create a fake death hoax, at least according to Josh.
Unfortunately, an old ex of Josh - "RuPaul's Drag Race" star Monica Beverly Hillz - is now speaking out, claiming that Josh might have orchestrated his own death hoax.
'RuPaul's Drag Race' Star Monica Beverly Hillz Believes 'Bachelorette' Alum Josh Seiter FAKED His Own Death Hoax: 'Sick In The F*cking Head'

“RuPaul’s Drag Race” star Monica Beverly Hillz does not believe that Josh actually lost his Instagram account to a hacker. Instead, she believes that he orchestrated his own fake death hoax in order to try to revitalize his career. On Tuesday night, Monica told Entertainment Weekly that she is “baffled” by Josh’s account of what had transpired, adding, “I’m angry. I’m happy he’s alive. I’m happy he’s here, but this is so infuriating to me.”
She explained that the two met around 2013 when she did drag and he was a go-go dancer. “We fell out of contact, but I'd comment on his stuff because he was beautiful, he was sickening, of course I was going to sneak into the DMs,” she recalled. “I would put heart faces on his stuff, he'd put heart faces on my stuff.”

Ironically, Monica claimed that Josh reached out to her just this month because he saw that she had unfollowed them. Monica claimed that she unfollowed him “a long time ago” because she had also been the victim of a hacking scandal a few years ago. The two got to talking and became “official” after their second date, taking to social media to make their relationship public.
When the interviewer pointed out that the time period she was talking about was only two weeks ago, Monica replied, “I was already iffy because I Googled him and I see all this negative press about him. To me, the internet is the internet, being from social media, I know better, don't believe everything that you read.”

After getting repeated comments that Josh was a “clout chaser,” she addressed the comments with him directly. “When I'd hear comments, I would ask him. He'd tell me that he would plant those stories on his own,” she explained, adding that the two did not officially break up until August 22.
“ That Monday, we didn't speak at all… I wake up Tuesday to this: ‘Hey hun, I'm sorry, but I'm not good. My grandpa passed away this morning in his sleep. Heading to the airport now, my life is in shambles, and I can't give you the time and dedication you deserve. Let's remain friends. Thank you for being amazing,’” she recalled, saying that was what he sent her in a text message on Tuesday, August 22, which was the last time she spoke with him.

She said he then blocked her on Instagram and found out about the news of his supposed passing “just like everybody else.” She went on to say that, if he really was hacked, he should have reached out to her. “You dated me, if your s--- was hacked, you should've called me, the first one… He knows me well enough to know I would've picked up the phone, because I'm friends with all of my exes,” she explained.
“He has my number, to call me and say, ‘Hey, I need your help, you can release a statement saying my thing is hacked.’ He didn't do s---, sat back, and got off on everybody freaking out and going through a thing. It's sick in the f---ing head,” she added.
She went on to say that Josh knew the media attention he was getting about his death but waited a full day to put out a statement announcing his death was a hoax. “He was watching all of this and knew it got out of hand… I'm over here crying, I hadn't slept, crying every two minutes thinking that this is happening, and the entire time, this man is alive getting off on all of this s---.”
Josh Slams Monica's 'Ridiculous Accusations' That He Made Up His Own Death Hoax

Josh responded to her claims that he made up his own death hoax, calling them “ridiculous accusations” that had no basis in truth. "Those are all ridiculous accusations made up by somebody with nothing better to do with their time," he said in an email to the outlet on Tuesday.
"As a mental health advocate, issues of suicide are very sensitive for me. To suggest that I would orchestrate a death post around that issue is sickening,” he continued. “I have dedicated the last 8 years of my life blogging and raising awareness about mental health, and I will continue to do so. Regardless of what my detractors have to say."