Reddit Wars: Is It Inappropriate To Go Braless At Work?
By Melanie VanDerveer on August 30, 2023 at 2:00 PM EDT
To wear a bra or not to wear a bra. Does it really matter if nothing is showing? At least one person thinks so.
Reddit user, jxcegxhris, shared her story on the social media platform to see what others thought about her situation and more than 3,000 comments quickly filled the thread in under a day.
A Redditor Shares Her Story About Being Braless And Getting Called Out For It

"I stopped wearing bras at the beginning of this year because they’re so uncomfortable and I hate spending the money on them. I only have like a B-cup so they’re not necessary for me," she wrote.
"NONE of my work shirts are see-through or inappropriate. I have no cleavage. I don’t bounce around. The only thing is my nipples poke through a bit when I’m cold."
She continued to explain that one of her coworkers went to management and complained, which in turn had the manager calling her out on her missing bra. And even after being told a bra is mandatory, she still decided to stick to her guns and not wear one.
"I don't want anybody to have the satisfaction of knowing that their complaint worked," she wrote. "I’m hoping it doesn’t escalate. We’re a small family-owned restaurant so there’s no official dress code for servers other than wearing all black."
She concluded her story by saying that she can't believe that in 2023, someone can't handle the "sight of nips under a shirt."
Reddit Users Had Solutions, Jokes, And Random Comments

Make The Employee Uncomfortable With A Joke
"Wear a bra over your shirt."
Turn It Around On Them
"I would just tell them I’m wearing a non padded bra and that it’s incredibly inappropriate to be staring at my boobs."
Sexual Harassment?
"How do you know I'm not wearing a bra? They can't answer without it being sexual harassment. Might be a hot take, but I think you'd be solid if you say that."

What About Men?
"I don’t know why but my nipples are always showing through my work shirt… and I’m a guy. I’m 6’4” 200lbs so it’s not like I got man boobs either."
"I Had The Same Thing Happen To Me"
"If the restaurant you work for has to answer to anyone (corporate, higher ups, etc.) you bring this to them and make sure to use the words hostile work environment and sexual harassment. If your coworkers feel comfortable talking about your boobs to a manager, that's a hostile work environment. It's even worse that they felt justified reprimanding you.
Same thing happened to me a year ago. Best part? I was wearing a bra. I had my manager pull me aside mid-shift and ask me if I was wearing a bra, then asked me to prove it. Apparently, just like one of your coworkers, one of mine felt entitled to speak their peace on the mobility of my chest. Since bras technically were in the dress code, I didn't know I had the chance to voice how uncomfortable I was that I was being reprimanded for another coworker staring at my boobs."
Your Bra Strap Is Showing
"11 years ago just starting out at a major financial firm call center and I had my manager pull me off the floor in the middle of a hectic busy workday to tell me that someone complained that my bra strap was “showing through my shirt”. Mind you this was an extremely modest, high neckline, long sleeve shirt that was dark red and very, very slightly sheer. You would have to be laser focused on my back to see it. I was also barely 20 years old."

Where's Regina George When You Need Her?
"Wear a bra but do the Regina George shirt thing lmao."
It's Illegal: Go To HR
"This happened to me too — what they’re doing is illegal and should be taken to HR immediately.
Idk what state you’re in but there are laws in NY that if you’re requiring an employee to wear something specific then all employees are required as well.
In my experience, after not complying, they never said anything again because they knew what they were asking of me was illegal."
What's your opinion - does it matter if someone's nipples are showing through their shirt? Should bras be mandatory in the workplace?

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