TikTok Creator Shares Bedroom Habit That Shocks Viewers!
By Melanie VanDerveer on August 18, 2023 at 5:15 PM EDT
A TikTok creator apparently found a sure-fire way to have people shaking their heads when she talked about a not-so-normal bedroom habit.
Angelina Murphy probably didn't expect so much attention from just sharing the fact that her and her husband don't have designated sides of the bed and just choose their side each night. People went crazy!
Angelina Murphy Shared A Fact About Her And Her Husband Skyler's Sleeping Habit And People Are Not OK

Do you have a side of the bed that you ALWAYS sleep on? Whether you're single or have a partner, do you have a preferred side of the bed? Most people would probably answer that question easily by saying, "Yes." When Angelina explained in a TikTok video that her and her husband Skylar just pick a side each night, viewers had some things to say.
"We do not have a regular side of the bed that we sleep on," she announced in the beginning of her TikTok video. "Last night I slept on that side and then the night before for like two or three nights in a row I slept on this side."
She continued to explain that it's not something the two of them discuss ahead of time and said they just "randomly pick a side when we go to sleep."
"And whenever this has come up in conversation, people act like that is the craziest thing they've ever heard," she continued. "But I don't know, we just never picked a side of the bed, so I'm bringing it to TikTok to see if it is actually as crazy as everybody says it is."
She asked for people's thoughts and nearly 7,000 comments were left on the subject.
"I’m single, and I have a side of my bed," one person said. And apparently many others agreed because that simple comment was "liked" more than 19,000 times.
Another heavily "liked" comment, with more than 25,000 likes says, "This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. Lol."
Another person hilariously asked, "Do you guys sleep in jeans as well?"

The comment section did not disappoint one little bit.
"I think I’m even more surprised that you found each other and are both okay with this," one person wrote. Another added, "What kind of serial killer behavior is this 😂 even when I was single with my own bed I had my own side. 😂😂"
Many people commented about how men should sleep on the side of the bed that's closest to the door in case of an intruder and others just wanted to know how this works with pillows and end tables.
A quick scroll through comments proved that it's pretty much unanimous that Angelina and Skylar are the only people who consider this a normal behavior.
Angelina Shared An Update To Her Shocking Confession About Not Having A Side Of The Bed

An update video shared how the topic of not having a regular side of the bed blew up the way it did. She shared that a story was done about her video by Insider and they spoke to a relationship expert who said that this behavior is a green flag.
"We are not serial killers or sociopaths," she said. "This is a green flag, so this is your official invitation to sleep on the opposite side of the bed tonight."
Most viewers were still not okay with it regardless of what a relationship expert had to say.
"Do you sometimes drink coffee out of cereal bowls? 🤔" one follower wrote in the comments. Another added, "Well I, an imbecile with no specialized education, respectfully disagree with the relationship experts. They're wrong, y'all are psychopaths 😂😂😂"
But then there were some people who sound like they might start to do the same as Skylar and Angelina.
"We did it after watching your first video! It’s kinda weird, deciding what we think on Saturday," one person shared. Another had a similar comment, "I'm trying it tonight. Not going to tell my wife. Just going to jump on her side and see what her reaction is."