Battle For 'Snow White' Continues Family Of Original Director And Jameela Jamil Mince Words
By Kay on August 22, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT
So many people have so many opinions on this new live-action Snow White movie including a person with a connection to the original film.
Director’s Kid Is Disgusted

David Hand was the director of the original 1937 version and now his son by the same name David Hand Jr. claims his daddy and Mr. Walt Disney himself would be rolling in their graves at the hate from Zegler and the “woke” ways they are allegedly forcing on the classic film.
Zegler said she hated the original film because she found it “dated”. The 91-year-old clapped back via the Telegraph stating that those who hate the film “don't know what they're talking about.”
He described them as “misunderstood” and the new film is shaping up to be a “whole different concept,” and not the one that his father made or ever intended to make. “I know my dad and Walt would also very much disagree with it.”
‘New Woke Things’

Hand continued to slam the new film and the actors saying they were “making up new woke things” and that they have “no respect for what Disney did and what my dad did.” Hand had a brilliant idea, come up with your own ideas.
He was so bothered that Zegler thought the 1937 prince was a “stalker”, and thankful that his “weird” storyline won't be featured in the new film. The actress told Variety, “She's not going to be saved by the prince and she's not going to be dreaming about true love.”
He even shared that the voice of the original Snow White would be offended and “terrified” of the idea that her character wasn’t a feminist.
Jameela Jamil Chimed In

As if Hand wasn’t annoyed enough and combating enough naysay about the film, Hulk actress Jameela Jamil also had a few things to say. In a lengthy post on Instagram, she slammed the hate that Zegler is receiving and added in a few thoughts of her own.
“Did I miss something? Not defending anyone. Just checking. Greta Gerwig wrote the girlboss doll movie. Everyone loved it and came out wanting to protect women. Greta Gerwig also has written and changed the new princess movie to be girlboss, that's coming out next year,” she writes.
“But Rachel Zegler barely out of her teens, wrote nothing, but is being blamed entirely for the new script and direction of a movie she didn't write/produce, but just acts in, and supports the change of.”
Jameela Jamil Is A Feminist

The actress couldn’t help herself she had to clap back at that little feminist comment that Hand made.
“There are valid feminist critiques about how we see women in a very binary way, but Nobody says*anything* to or about Greta Gerwig or producers or the studio who made these changes and gave the actor these talking points... but instead launches the most women-led personal attack, hate campaign I've seen since Anne Hathaway. So.. what's happening? I literally don't understand. Explain it to me like I'm 5.”
Something tells us that this is just the beginning of this deep conversation.