The Rock Is Our Fluffy, Warm Inspiration for National Pancake Day!
By TheBlast Staff on September 26, 2018 at 12:57 AM EDT
Happy #NationalPancakeDay! ?
In honor of this syrup-filled delicious day, we've decided to share every time the King of Pancakes, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, posted about his favorite cheat meal .... a big ol' stack of hotcakes.
The "Jumanji" star is known for his giant muscles, but nothing is as large as the amount of pancakes he consumes during his legendary Sunday cheat meals. He usually slathers them in syrup and adds peanut butter for a true delicacy.
The Rock loves pancakes so much, he even had a pancake-themed birthday cake.
Now, that's love.
If you're going to indulge in this savory, syrup-filled day, make sure to stuff your face just like The Rock ... or even Pee-wee Herman -- that man really loved his pancakes too.