Katt Williams' Alleged Ex Asks for $2.5 Million a Month in Support
By TheBlast Staff on September 27, 2018 at 5:00 AM EDT
A woman who has claimed for years to be an ex of Katt Williams has now filed emergency documents asking for $2.5 million PER MONTH in spousal support.
The woman's name is Eboni Gray and Williams has claimed for years to have never had a relationship with her. Gray has previously sought an annulment from Williams even though there was never any record of them ever being married.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Gray is now asking for support from Katt Williams, claiming she is facing extreme hardships. She says she needs money ASAP to pay for rent, moving expenses, legal fees, and a forensic accountant.
Gray is asking for spousal or domestic partner support to the tune of $2,500,000 per month. That number would represent the highest spousal support payment in history by quite a large margin.
A hearing was held on the matter Thursday morning, with Gray present, and her request was denied.