Former Miss Yugoslavia Claims Brittny and Lisa Gastineau Are the Drunken Neighbors From Hell
By TheBlast Staff on October 5, 2018 at 9:01 AM EDT
6:00 PM PT — A rep for the Gastineaus tells The Blast, "Diana Niven Becirovic’s allegations against Brittny and Lisa Gastineau are ridiculous, highly defamatory, and malicious. There is no truth to these outlandish claims."
A woman who lives next door to Brittny and Lisa Gastineau claims the mother/daughter duo have repeatedly wandered into her apartment when drunk and even assaulted her on multiple occasions ... and she wants it to stop.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Diana Niven Becirovic — who, according to her website, is a former Miss Yugoslavia — claims the Gastineaus have been harassing her and made her life a living hell.
Becirovic claims in August, Lisa Gastineau walked into her apartment "very intoxicated," wearing pajamas, and requesting alcohol. She claims Gastineau — who she believes was on ambien— then picked up a bottle of cognac and began drinking from it.
Eventually, Becirovic claims Gastineau slapped her on the face, which was particularly problematic for Becirovic because she recently had stitches stemming from a brain surgery operation she had 10 years ago.
In the past, Becirovic claims Gastineau stole hundred of pills, clothing, jewelry and tried to get her evicted.
In her request for a temporary restraining order, Becirovic says she did not inform Lisa Gastineau she was seeking a TRO, writing, "No I am afraid because they are almost always drunk."
As for Brittny, Becirovic claims the two went out to dinner last month when Gastineau became angry because Becirovic would not get her more alcohol.
"I say no," Becirovic writes. "She got so aggressive accusing me and saying she raised by John Gotti."
Becirovic claims that Brittny Gastineau, like her mother, often shows up at her apartment drunk and threatens her, helps herself to "food, liquor, medication, and clothing."
In the end, Becirovic was granted a temporary restraining order against both Gastineaus, ordering them to stay five yards away, pending a hearing later this month.