Nate Dogg's Widow In Market To Sell Catalog Of Artist's Legendary Music
By Mike Walters on August 3, 2023 at 4:00 PM EDT
Nate Dogg'swidow is asking a judge to allow the sale of the rapper's legendary music, something to help keep his legacy alive forever.
According to new legal documents, obtained by The Blast, LaToya Calvin filed the request in Nate Dogg's ongoing estate case claiming the family is ready to sell the rights to his music. Of course, Nate Dogg (aka Nathaniel Hale) is featured on some of the biggest rap hits in history and his catalog should fetch a good price.
At the moment, Calvin claims the current executor of the estate isn't taking offers to buy the music seriously, and it might damage the final outcome if the court doesn't intervene. She is asking that he be forced to "exercise diligent efforts to explore sale and management options of the Estate music rights in a timely fashion."
In the filing, Nate's surviving spouse says a few powerful players have already shown interest in buying the catalog.
Music Power Players Interested In Buying Nate Dogg's Music Catalog

"No less than 4 parties have expressed interest in purchasing either the entire music catalog or in many cases a percentage of the rights, with management control," she writes.
Adding, "The latter option in particular (in addition to full sale options) should be explored, because she is informed and believes it would both yield substantial immediate case for all the heirs, but also involve a better ongoing professional management team which should improve and increase the performance of the remaining unsold income producing shares that are not sold for all the heirs."
It should be noted, Nate Dogg has six children (4 daughters, and 2 sons), and the court determined they will inherit his estate. The rapper died without a will, and the distribution of his wealth has been battled over in court for many years.
Nate's family says there are a few options on the table including selling just a portion of the music rights and allowing that company to better manage the music. "These known options include the sale of all music rights assets, partial sale of 51 % of the music rights with retained interest of the heirs in the remaining 49%, and lastly distribution of the music rights into an entity such as an LLC to be professionally managed for the benefit of all the heirs," the filing states.
The problem is that Nate's widow says the offers and situation aren't being handled with urgency and she's hoping the court will step in. Specifically, she says that several players in the industry have backed off because of the lack of communication.
Nate Dogg's Widow Asking A Judge To Force The Sale Of His Music Catalog

"Multiple such persons have lost interest and moved on due to perceived lack of interest or inability to follow through. This has led to burnt bridges with several qualified persons in the industry, who understandably are not in the business of putting time into dead-end endeavors," the filing says.
So why is there an issue? Well, Calvin says the number of children and heirs is making it difficult to make the decision. Essentially, there is at least one kid who isn't quick to sell the rights to the music. She explained, "There are too many heirs who lack the ability to communicate or exercise decision-making as a collective unit for the music rights to maintain value over time."
Now, it will be up to a judge. LaToya is asking that the court order the team to sell the rights and get involved in the deal.
Either way, we know it will be a good deal. Nate Dogg co-wrote hits with legends like Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, and many others.
Do yourself a favor and google a Nate Dogg song and listen to it. You will instantly feel better!