Kevin Costner's Ex-Wife Fires Back In Divorce -- I Want My Peloton!
By Mike Walters on July 14, 2023 at 4:42 PM EDT
Kevin Costner's divorce is getting so nasty, the actor and his ex-wife are literally arguing over kitchen utensils and a Peloton bike!
According to new legal documents, obtained by The Blast, Christine Costner responded to Kevin's emergency court filing to stop his ex-wife from taking items out of their family home. As we reported, Costner specifically mentions small kitchen items in his argument, making many fans roll their eyes over what is happening with this case.
But, it gets worse. Christine fired back at Kevin's filing claiming the allegations are a "smear" campaign for the media, saying the "pots and pans" argument is so "trivial." Ya, you think?!
Mrs. Costner reiterates that she just wants to take a few personal items out of the family's beachfront home including exercise equipment. "There is no mystery as to what I plan to remove. Kevin will not be harmed by my removal of any of the items I have listed, and certainly not personal items such as my peloton bike and family heirlooms," she writes.
Kevin Costner's Wife Claims He Is 'Smearing' Her In The Media

Adding, "Kevin’s ex parte request includes a myriad of false statements that are no doubt included to play to the press and “smear” me in the media."
As you might imagine, Christine points out how incredibly RICH the 'Yellowstone' actor is at this point and can't believe they are arguing over such a ridiculous thing.
"He complained that reference to “some pots and pans” was so vague he was unable to consent to their removal. Apparently, Kevin was concerned Christine would
take too many pots and pans – a complaint quite trivial given his 2022 income of about $24,000,000 and net worth of about $200,000,000 (which we believe is understated)" her legal team said.
We broke the story, Kevin is currently on vacation and is worried his wife is going to loot the family property while he is out of town. Now, that's understandable, considering the claims the former couple's prenuptial agreement allegedly says he gets almost everything in a divorce.
Christine Costner Says It's Our Property, Not Just His!

She explains, "Kevin claims that everything in the Beach Club properties is his separate property. However, there has been no proof of this. Many of these items were acquired during the marriage and are presumptively community property. By way of a double standard, Kevin, having not provided proof that any listed item is his separate property, claims that Christine cannot remove anything from the residence unless she proves it is her separate property to his satisfaction."
Adding, "It is premature to demand that Christine prove the character of personal property as a condition to its removal."
Interestingly, Christine enjoyed a victory in court earlier this week, after a judge ordered she will get paid close to $150,000 in child support a month. But, she wasn't so lucky in this situation.
The Santa Barbara County Court judge sided with the actor and ordered Christine to leave the items at the family compound...for now.

"Christine is prohibited from removing any other items of property including, but not limited to furniture, furnishings, appliances, and artwork from the Beach Club Road
residences and from any storage unit maintained by the parties, whether jointly or individually absent a written agreement executed by the parties or further court order," the order read.
In the end, it appears the argument of "who gets what" is going to continue on in the courts, and it seems this case might just get nastier and nastier.