TikToker Takes Handful Of Benadryl And Hilariously Waits For The 'Hat Man'
By Melanie VanDerveer on July 9, 2023 at 2:00 PM EDT
Lesson of the day: Don't carry on a conversation while pouring medication into your hand for your dog. Chloe, a viral TikTok creator, learned the hard way that her brain was going to just go on autopilot once those pills hit her hand and go directly to her mouth.
After ingesting a handful of Benadryl pills that were meant for her anxious dog on the Fourth of July, she documented her thoughts on what was about to happen and her followers helped fuel the fire with their talk of the "hat man."
TikToker Chloe Swallowed A Handful Of Benadryl And Waited For Her Fate To Arrive

Not fully paying attention to what she was doing - pouring Benadryl pills into her hand to give her anxious pup before fireworks - Chloe, in mid-chat, just pops the handful of sleepy-time pills into her mouth and swallows. Once she realized what she just did, a calm panic-filled journey joined the chat.
"No cause for panic or anything, but I was holding a handful of Benadryl to give my dog, four, five, something like that, talking to my husband. I ate the handful of Benadryl," she said in her video. "So, I'm recording my last message before I fall into a coma for the next 12 to 14 hours, because a single Benadryl puts me down for the count."
As she's continuing her story, the panic gets a little deeper and turns to frustration over not seeing a single firework yet. Oh, and then there's the anxious pup.
"And he's still walking around the house panting like crazy cause I ate his medicine," she continued. "So, happy Fourth of July."
Chloe's followers sprang into action with their hilarious commentary and thoughts. And many talked about the elusive "hat man" and how he's about to pay her a visit.
"The hat man is coming for a visit tonight 😂😂😂," one person wrote. Another added, "Say hi to the hat man for me."
Another follower talked about the kind of sleep she's about to have. "You about to have that GOOD sleep! The "ain't got no kids, no mortgage, no stress" kind of sleep that we haven't had since we were 16, 17, 18yo. 😂😂"

Some followers were simply concerned for the amount she ingested at one time.
"I think I’d try to get in touch with a Dr on call just to check it out with them. 😬 hope you’re ok and update when you can!" one person wrote. Another added, "Please call poison control or something just in case."
And then there are the people who are basically professionals at taking many Benadryl at one time that tried to put her mind more at ease.
"It's cool I take about 6-8 at a time. have a good sleep. you may feel groggy the next day 😂," one person shared, and another added, "You’re gonna sleeeeepppp. But you’ll be fine. As a person w/anaphylaxis I’ve done IV Benadryl a ton. You got this girl!"
Chloe Gave A Follow Up On Her Visit With The "Hat Man"

"Good morning. I'm alive," she began her follow up video. "I did sleep well. Um, my bones are Jello. I don't recommend that kind of sleep because I often felt like, am I sleeping or am I just outside of my body? It's not terribly enjoyable."
She also explained that her husband wasn't concerned and thought the whole thing was "f***ing hilarious."
In another follow up video, Chloe addressed all the comments about a "hat man" coming to visit.
"WTF is a hat man and why did thousands of people comment this on my video," she captioned the short clip.
"I didn't know who the hat man was either… I went to go look it up just now… I'm never taking Benadryl 😵💫😳," one person wrote. Another added, "All I could think of after all the hat man comments is that meme 'I can't take Benadryl cause I owe the hat man money'😂."
An Allergist Chimes In On What To Expect From Higher Doses Of Benadryl

Dr. Rubin, a TikTok creator, stitched Chloe's video to make her experience a little bit of a learning moment for others.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Rubin. I'm a board certified allergist, and while I'm not this person's doctor, I hope that they're doing okay," he began his video. "This is a reminder that Benadryl, while it's sold over the counter, is not necessarily a benign medication, and you can have several side effects, even when taking this medication as directed, including feeling very sleepy for many hours."
He explained that some people, up to 10 to 15 percent of the time, experience a paradoxical effect that makes them feel hyperactive or agitated.
Other side effects include headaches, dry mouth, constipation. When taken at higher doses, such as the dose that Chloe accidentally took, symptoms can be more severe.

Dr. Rubin then lists all the possible side effects from taking a higher dose of the common over the counter medicine.
"If you are concerned that you or a loved one have taken too much Benadryl, you should go to your nearest emergency room," he said. "You can also consider calling your local poison control at 1-800-222-1222 if there's any concerns."