Cocaine Found In The White House In Area President Biden Frequents
By Kay on July 6, 2023 at 5:00 PM EDT
Blow was found in the white house this week and now people are blaming Hunter Biden for dropping his coke in the historic building.
White House Living Up To Its Name

The famous address is being associated with drugs. The Secret Service is claiming that they found a white powder substance Sunday night in the west wing of the home, a spot that President Biden is known to frequent.
It was found during the service's routine rounds. the specific spot was not shared but a spokesperson for the Secret Service has shared that the secret service came upon it in a “work area.”
The representative also pointed out that rumors that cocaine was found in the executive mansion are untrue. But it has slipped that the coke was found in the library. Biden was not home at the time, thankfully because full protocol was followed.
White House Was Evacuated

If Biden was home, he would have been evacuated as everyone else was per protocol. Tests are being run to confirm what the substance is but field tested has essentially confirmed that it is indeed the drug.
It was also confirmed by a firefighter who was at the scene that it was cocaine. The Secret Service also told the department's hazardous materials team that a test they performed indicated “cocaine hydrochloride.”
No one was harmed by the substance and no threat is visible at the moment however, an investigation is underway regarding how it could have gotten into the residence of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Hunter Biden Is Being Blamed

The number one culprit people are pointing their fingers at is the president's troubled son, Hunter. While it has been noted that Biden and his family exited the residence on Friday and did not return until Tuesday, people believe Hunter is the only option.
Most recently, the 53-year-old has been associated with a 2018 video where he filmed himself smoking crack while driving a car at an unsafe speed, 172 miles per hour, to be exact. He was supposedly heading to Las Vegas.
The pictures and a video were found on a laptop that Hunter had discarded some time ago. There were also private messages found and while Hunter has since gotten clean. It's hard for people to resist blaming him for the find.
Hunter Biden Has Been An Issue For A While

The disgraced son was also called out for arranging for prostitutes to come over to wherever he was staying at the time to get in a hot tub and whatever else happens. He is also known to have an illegitimate child.
The four-year-old was the subject of a paternity and child support case for a brief moment because she was a product of an affair. It’s being reported that President Biden and his wife, First Lady Jill Biden are refusing to acknowledge the child who is technically their seventh grandchild.
If you needed more proof, during the April "take your child to work day" event at the White House, he only invited his six grandkids and didn’t offer up an excuse why the seventh wasn’t there.