Jonathan Graziano Shared An Update On His Former Foster Pugs, Macaroni And Rigatoni
By Melanie VanDerveer on June 6, 2023 at 1:30 PM EDT
Macaroni and Rigatoni are settled into their new forever homes, and Jonathan Graziano wanted to give all their fans a little update.
The popular TikToker, known for being the late Noodle the pug's owner, recently fostered the two adorable pug puppies and shared much of his time with them on social media. Now that they have been in their new homes for a bit, it was time to give an update on how they are doing.
Macaroni And Rigatoni Have Settled Into Their Forever Homes

Anyone who follows Graziano on TikTok knows all about the cute "beans" as he called them. During their time in Graziano's care, fans of Noodle's got the chance to enjoy watching the pups as they were getting ready for their forever homes.
The pups went to their new homes in mid-April, and just recently, Graziano shared an update so everyone can see how great they are doing.
In the video, Graziano shows a photo of Macaroni at his "big sister's soccer game."

"Looks like he has some notes on that call," Graziano humorously said. "Here he is investigating the under craw of one of his elder siblings. He has two older pug siblings, Stella and Bruno."
Graziano then showed a photo of Rigatoni saying, "And here's Rigatoni who officially goes by Riggs. Look at that little face."
He also shared a photo of Riggs snoozing with his big sister Lola.
"They're both doing so well. They're living such great lives. Their families love them so much and I helped," he concluded his update video.

Followers of the sweet pups dropped into the comment section to leave their thoughts.
"It’s def a bones day when we get baby bean updates!! 🥰🥰," one person wrote. Another added, "I love the updates and hope for new fosters' stories. I’m picking up my foster Beagle this morning."
One follower wrote, "🥰🥰🥰🥰 so glad they kept their names," to which Graziano replied, "Me too!! noodle is forever master brand."

In a more recent update, Graziano shows photos of Macaroni enjoying a day at the beach.
"In case you were having a bad day today, Macaroni is at the beach," he said.
Jonathan Graziano Shared Some Of His Grief Over National Cheese Day

In another recently shared video on TikTok, Graziano shared some of his "roller coaster ride" with grief.
"I'm sitting here and I'm looking at my phone and I find out that today is National Cheese Day, and I got so sad. I got so sad. Noodle loved National Cheese Day," he explained. "He was adamant that we observe every year."
He continued to explain how grief can be strange.
"I can look at photos of him, there's a photo of him right here, I can look at it all day and I just feel happy," he said. "And then I find out it's National Cheese Day and I am so, I get so sad."

Graziano said shortly after his sadness set in, he got a text message from Macaroni's mom.
"Turns out he had a fabulous first day at his beach house," he continued. "It was a little cold, but tomorrow morning they're gonna go and check out the sand and I just, it was that whiplash. I was so sad and then I just got so happy."
Many of Graziano's TikTok followers thanked him for being so open with his grieving process.
One person shared, "I just love your content, it makes me feel less alone in my grief over my dog, it’s been a year now and I just can’t believe it’s been so long."
Another follower shared a happy thought saying, "Noodle 500% nudged Mac's mom to update you and I cannot be convinced otherwise. ❤️"