
Tom Arnold Was Visited by Secret Service After Challenging President Trump to a Fight

Home / News / Tom Arnold Was Visited by Secret Service After Challenging President Trump to a Fight

By TheBlast Staff on November 25, 2018 at 11:20 PM EST

Tom Arnold finally got the face to face with Washington officials that he wanted, only it was him who was in the hot seat after he threatened President Trump on Twitter.

According to Mother Jones, Secret Service agents came to the actor's home on October 25 after he tweeted about challenging Trump to a fight and threatening to "body slam" him.


In what appears to be security footage from inside Arnold's L.A. home, the agents said they were conducting an interview after he crossed a line with the tweet. They also say that the main reason for following up with Arnold is to make sure his tweets don't encourage violence, adding, "When we've had previous attempts on the President's life they got motivated by somebody."

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Arnold is completely understanding and cooperative throughout the meeting, and the agents want to make it clear that "it doesn't happen again."

According to Mother Jones, Arnold's wife, Ashley, was also questioned about possible threats to the President. When the agents were satisfied, they reportedly snapped a picture of Arnold and left.

October 25 was a busy day for Arnold, as it was also the same day he found out producer Mark Burnett would not prosecuted for allegedly roughing him up at an Emmy pre-party.
