The Pooch Was Framed! DUI Suspect Swaps Seats With His Dog After Being Pulled Over
By Melanie VanDerveer on May 17, 2023 at 6:00 AM EDT
A 28-year-old Colorado man thought he was pulling a fast one when he was pulled over by police for speeding, but instead, he found himself in the doghouse.
Rather than fessing up to what he's done, he tries to blame the man's best friend - his innocent dog in the passenger seat, claiming it was the dog driving, not him.
Colorado Man Frames His Dog To Take The Heat When Pulled Over For Speeding

If the unnamed man were ever happy that his furry best friend couldn't talk, this would be the time because the pup would tell the officer the truth during this bazaar traffic stop. Over the weekend, the man, who was pulled over for traveling 52 mph in a 30 mph zone in Springfield, Colorado, pointed the finger at his four-legged passenger, saying he was the driver.
"The driver attempted to switch places with his dog, who was in the passenger seat, as the SPD officer approached and watched the entire process," the Springfield, CO Police Department wrote in a Facebook post.
"The male party then exited the vehicle's passenger side and claimed he was not driving. The male party showed clear signs of intoxication, and when asked about his alcohol consumption, the male party ran from the Officer."
He didn't get too far before being apprehended by police, just 20 yards from the vehicle.
It was later discovered that the driver, the man, not the dog, was driving from Las Animas to Pueblo and got lost in Springfield. Police also found that he has two active warrants for his arrest out of Pueblo.

"BCSO arrived and assisted with the incident, and the male party was medically cleared at the hospital and then booked into the Baca County Jail for his warrants and also charged with; driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, driving while ability impaired, driving under suspension, speeding 20-24 over, and resisting arrest," the Facebook post continued.
For people concerned about what happened to the dog, he's clear from any charges and is being cared for while his owner is in jail. (But he's been warned, so he better never let this type of thing happen again.)
"EDIT: The dog was given to an acquaintance of the driver to take care of while the party was in jail. The dog did not face any charges and was let go with just a warning," the post reads.
Jokes Filled The Comment Section Of The Facebook Post

After reading the unique police report on Facebook, many people took to the comments to leave their thoughts and joke around a bit. (How could you not joke about such an insane police report?)
"I wished my dog could reach the pedals.....

," one person wrote. "Thank God, the dog was sober," another said.
Many were asking for the body cam footage. "Y'all should release the body cam. I think this would be hilarious," wrote one person. Another added, "Asking for pretty much everyone, How do we acquire the Body Cam footage?

And the jokes just kept on coming. "Glad you got him! The dog was probably going to be the better driver," one person wrote. "How drunk was he? Lmao, if he thought it was ok to let the dog drive, he must've been wasted," wrote another.