Fans Respond To Kelly Clarkson's Statement Regarding 'The Kelly Clarkson Show' Workplace Allegations
By Taylor Hodgkins on May 15, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT
Kelly Clarkson posted a statement to her Instagram regarding allegations shared by current and former staff members of "The Kelly Clarkson Show" Friday night.

Earlier Friday, an article in Rolling Stone containing insider accounts of the talk show's work environment was published. The article featured almost a dozen stories, claiming the background behind the scenes had been tainted by negativity. These accounts share stories of mistreatment, including bullying by senior staff members and low pay, to name a few claims.
Several accounts name a specific producer who had also perpetuated a hostile work environment at their previous places of employment.
NBCUniversal also released a statement stressing their commitment to prioritizing employees and a positive work environment—the network aimed to foster an "inclusive" and "creative" atmosphere.
Shared Accounts Stress Clarkson Is Not To Blame For Alleged Toxcicity
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Staff members shared the side effects they experienced due to the highly stressful environment. Multiple accounts stressed Clarkson had not been the source of the strife and had been reportedly unaware of the situations happening backstage.

The "Since U Have Been Gone" singer received much praise in the current and ex-staff members' accounts, with one stressing she is "a person who never treats anyone with anything but dignity and is incredibly appreciative."
A second ex-employee echoed these claims, saying, "I would be shocked if she knew. I'd be floored if she knew the staff wasn't getting paid for two weeks of Christmas hiatus. The Kelly I interacted with, and everyone knows, would probably be shocked to learn that." (both accounts via Entertainment Tonight)
However, a staff member shared an account with Entertainment Tonight that counters those made in the Rolling Stone piece.
They shared, "The Rolling Stone article was a surprise. 'Kelly' is a fast-paced production and isn't without stress, but nothing about the environment raises it to be labeled toxic. The show still pays us, although we had to shut down early due to the writers' strike."
Clarkson Responded To The Allegations On Instagram
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Clarkson revealed her take on the work environment backstage at "The Kelly Clarkson Show."
The black-and-white text post reads, "In my 20 years in the entertainment industry, I've always led with my heart and what I believed to be right. I love my team at 'The Kelly Clarkson Show,' and to find out anyone is feeling unheard and or disrespected on the show is unacceptable."

"The Voice" host also addresses that all senior staff members, including herself, will undergo leadership training. She also stresses the team will be "comprised of the best and kindest in the business" as the staff embarks on a move to the East Coast.
Clarkson also promises that leadership-related efforts will be implemented to rid the work environment of "any notion of toxicity."
"...There is always room to grow and ensure we are all being/becoming the best version of ourselves in any business, especially when it comes to leadership, to ensure that any notion of toxicity is eradicated," Clarkson's statement concludes.
Fans shared their thoughts on Clarkson's post, with many praising the singer for how she handled the situation.
"I appreciated the fact you acknowledged this and your transparency on how you want the show to improve going forward," a fan wrote. "You are a class act always, KC! 💛"
"I was lucky enough to be a guest on your show in 2020 via Zoom, and I'll never forget how well executed everything was," a fan shared. "All the people I dealt with and practiced zooms with were the nicest. It felt like such a safe space & I truly felt so close to them. I was supposed to go to the studio, but it was the week of shutdown, and I was trying to figure out how it would all work. I loved the producers & women I got to speak to! I could tell how much you loved & appreciated your team. Felt like a family for sure. You were so sweet and genuine with us after our Zoom; it was a moment I'll never forget! 💕"
"The culture of good vibes you have created with this show is unmatched," Ruben Ervin commented. "It has been an absolute honor to be on Team Kelly."
"One of the reasons y'all fave can't even," another fan commented. "She doesn't even victimized [sic] herself but takes accountability and is not afraid of getting her hands dirty."
"This is way more appropriated than sweeping things under the rug," a fan said.
"And this is why you are one of the best in the business ❤️," a musician commented.