Dr. Luke's Water Company Wants Becky G's $105 Million Lawsuit Dismissed
By TheBlast Staff on January 3, 2019 at 12:08 AM EST
A company partly owned by music producer Dr. Luke is fighting back against Becky G and her $105 million lawsuit, claiming the singer didn’t hold up her end of the deal and isn’t owed a dime.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Core Nutrition is denying all allegations they are screwing the "Zooted" singer out of millions.
The company alleges that any damages she suffered were the result of her "own acts and omissions" and claims she did not fully and fairly perform all necessary conditions under the alleged contracts.
Back in November, 21-year-old Becky G sued the bottled water company and trashed music producer Dr. Luke in the complaint, but did not name him personally as a defendant.
Core Nutrition is in the process of being bought for $525 million by the company that owns Dr. Pepper. Luke has an ownership stake n Core and worked with Becky on her music career.
Becky G claimed she promoted Core on social media and in her music videos since the beginning of her career. However, she claimed to only have gone along with it out of fear Luke would ruin her career if she refused.
The singer claims she eventually learned she was being used as a "walking, talking, and singing billboard to turn its irrelevant water brand into a hip and culturally relevant water company."
All the while, she claims, "Dr. Luke made it clear both directly and implicitly that Ms. Gomez's ability to have a music career would be tied to her continuing involvement in promoting Core."
Becky G claimed she was promised 50,000 shares of the company. Based on the possible evaluation of the sale in process, that could equal at least $105 million for the singer.
The lawsuit is ongoing.