
Chris Brown Claims Woman Suing Him Over Alleged Rape Is Refusing to Turn Over Texts

Home / News / Chris Brown Claims Woman Suing Him Over Alleged Rape Is Refusing to Turn Over Texts

By TheBlast Staff on January 9, 2019 at 11:52 PM EST

Chris Brown is demanding the woman suing him over an alleged rape at his L.A. home turn over phone records but she has gone to court to try and block the singer from obtaining her texts.

On January 7, Jane Doe filed court docs in her case against Brown and his friend, Lowell Grissom, in which she claims Grissom raped her at the singer's home last year.

Doe is pleading for the judge to not allow Brown to subpoena her phone and text records. She claims the request invades her privacy, along with that of her family, who are on the same phone plan.

She argues that Brown also failed to show why the records are directly relevant to the case at hand. Doe says he hasn’t turned over any meaningful discovery in the case.

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Doe claims to have turned over 600 pages of documents to Brown already, including texts, emails, and medical records. During a meeting with Brown’s lawyers, she claims they failed to justify their subpoena but instead claimed the number of texts Doe did turn over made them concerned about her "veracity including what she said about Mr. Brown in the complaint versus [sic] what is in her messages."

She claims Brown even tried to argue that following the alleged rape, Doe posted photos weekly on Instagram at events and “without clothing." They also claimed Doe’s mother appeared to engage in racist tirades against African-Americans in text messages with Doe.

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Doe says all these allegations are mischaracterizations of the messages she has turned over. She is demanding a judge shut down Brown and that his subpoena is quashed.

A judge has yet to rule.

Last year, Doe filed her lawsuit over the alleged rape that went down at Chris Brown’s home.

The woman claimed she met one of Brown’s friends, Lowell Grissom, back in February 2017 while partying at 1 Oak nightclub in Los Angeles.

Doe said she and a friend ended up at Chris Brown’s home in Los Angeles for an after-party, and claim their phones were taken away before Brown plied “cocaine, ‘Molly,’ and marijuana” on the guests. Doe says she saw Brown and Grissom with “multiple guns in the house,” and that Brown carried one gun in his waistband and brandished it openly.

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Doe claims that the party ended up in one of the bedrooms and that Brown instructed Grissom to “push a couch in front of the bedroom door” to prevent anyone from leaving. She says Brown began playing pornography loudly on his television to “create a hyper-sexualized” environment before taking off his clothes and engaging in sexual activities with the women in the room.

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The document said Doe and one other woman did not want to partake in the sex, and wanted to leave, but claim they were denied. The narrative then described another woman in the party allegedly grabbing Doe by the throat, sitting on top of her face and forcing her to perform oral sex. Doe said the woman was menstruating, and she was horrified to be covered in blood afterward. She also said that while being forced to perform oral sex, Grissom molested and then eventually raped her multiple times.

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Apparently, while the partying was going on, Doe’s mother was worried about her well-being, so she “used software” to track her daughter’s phone and then called the police with Breezy’s address when it was located. The documents stated that Brown refused the police entry to his home, and, in fact, instructed his entourage to hide firearms when authorities first showed up.

Doe said as soon as she was able to get free, she went to a rape treatment center, and to the police, where she reported the incident.

Chris Brown denied the allegations in the complaint and demanded he be dismissed from the case. The singer argued that Doe did not claim in her complaint that he ever actually touched her or physically harmed her in any way. He also points out there are no allegations that she was subjected to violence or any threat of violence by him personally.

In perhaps the biggest defense of his actions, Brown said Doe pointed out that the star was “occupied with pornography and performing sexual acts with women” in another room when the attack allegedly happened.

The case is ongoing.
