Donald Trump Back On Instagram With New Digital Trading Cards
By Arthur Boiron on April 23, 2023 at 3:30 AM EDT
The former President of the United States, Donald Trump, is back on Instagram with some "good news". Due to the success of the first series he released, he launched "Series 2" for his digital trading cards.
And regarding the difficulties he faces right in front of the American Justice, It's surprising to announce such a thing at such a moment. But what are those "trading cards"? What is the purpose of getting one of those? Let's find out.
A Double Come Back For Donald Trump
The former President has been relatively silent on social media since the end of the Elections, instead of his own social media "Truth," of course. However, much fewer people use it than Twitter or Instagram, and that's why most people think he has disappeared. But surprisingly, these last few days, Donald Trump seems to be back on Instagram, and in almost thirty hours, he shared six posts, most of them dedicated to his new business of digital trading cards. But are those trading cards like for basketball, baseball, or Pokemon?

Well, not really, because these, first of all, are digital, but also, these are NFTs and not simple trading cards that you can exchange with your friends. Yes, you can exchange them, but it will cost you much more money than a Pokemon card. In this series, like the other, Donald Trump's images have been generated by an AI, and that's why it is possible to see the former President of the United States as a Rockstar, a super-hero, or even George Washington. But what does the announcement exactly say on Instagram?
Voir cette publication sur Instagram
He humbly declares on Instagram: "Hello again, this is your favorite President Donald Trump with some news you are going to love. We almost broke the Internet a few months ago when I announced my Trump digital trading cards. These beautiful Trump cards made headlines worldwide because of the speed at which they sold. Original cards sold out so fast everybody is asking me to do another series. Well, I've got some fantastic news for you. My Trump digital trading cards are back with a bang series 2. The new collection features incredible artwork of me as a Rockstar and a Monster Trucker. People love to collect baseball cards, but why settle for that when you can collect the greatest trading cards in history? My Trump digital trading cards. We didn't raise the price despite last time's incredibly fast sell-out. It's so easy to buy, you just need an email address and your credit card or crypto. If you want to own a piece of history, go to Collecttrumpcards.com".
It was long, but we got everything we needed inside that declaration. The NFTs can be bought with crypto and dollars, which is interesting for people who have yet to learn how the NFT world works. Also, the images are hilarious, and It's hard to think that this is not April Fools or a joke by his team regarding the Presidential campaign that is approaching very fast. But no, It is real, but does he tell the truth in his declarations? Are these cards as hype as baseball cards?

Donald Trump Is Far From The Truth
Yes, the cards are sold out; there's no doubt about that, but what about the value? When you buy an NFT at a retail price, like sneakers, you want it to become more valuable with time. However, this is not what happened with Trump's collection. The value of the cards decreased a lot only a few hours after the release, going from 0,40 ETH to 0,15 ETH very quickly. So if you know NFTs or even just Art a little bit, it is not a good sign because when you buy something from an artist, It's supposed to value more because of its exclusivity.
For example, when you buy the last Air Jordan 1 Travis Scott released by Nike, you expect it to cost four times the price because of the demand and the exclusivity. But here, the market doesn't seem to be. Finally, Donald Trump also sells paintings, cups, bed covers, and t-shirts of him on his website, which makes us think that this is just a marketing campaign to start the actual movement that is waiting for him in a few months.