TikTok Famous Talking Pup Sapphie Is Excited To Become A Big Sister!
By Melanie VanDerveer on April 10, 2023 at 3:30 AM EDT
Tiktok's famous Sapphie the Pomsky is getting ready to be a big sister and is excited about what's coming.
The intelligent pup, who talks to her owners with word and phrase buttons, recently heard her soon-to-be baby brother's heartbeat for the first time and excitedly shared a message for the baby.
Sapphie The Pomsky Is Excited About The Baby

Sapphie recently got to hear her little brother's heartbeat for the first time, and based on the button she chose to respond to the exciting moment, she's happy about the baby's arrival.
"Sapphie, what is that? Is that baby brother's heartbeat?" her mom asked. "Yeah. Heartbeat. That's your baby brother's heartbeat, Sapphie. Go tell us how you feel about your baby brother."
The adorable pup ran over to her word and phrase buttons on the floor to give the baby a sweet message. She hit the button for "I love you."
"Oh, that's so sweet," Mom said. "He loves you too."
See the video HERE.

Sapphie's loyal TikTok followers dropped into the comment section to leave their thoughts on the adorable moment.
"Awww, she's gonna be a perfect big sister," one person wrote. Another added, "She is in love; look at those eyes."
Many followers noticed that Sapphie's favorite button, the white one, was missing. For anyone who's followed the pup for any amount of time, they know the white button is Sapphie's favorite word, "b***h."
"I was waiting for the white button. Sapphie's a legend," one person wrote. "Notice how the white button isn't there," said another.
One follower waited for Sophie to finish her sentence with the white button. "I was waiting for her to say b***h after she said I love you."
Another person added, "You took away her favorite button." Sapphie's human responded, "Had to make y'all miss it."
Sapphire Announced The News Of The Baby And The Baby's Gender

In early March, Sapphie told her dad he would be a father.
"What do you wanna tell Daddy?" Mom asked Sapphie when her husband got home. Sapphie then ran over to the series of buttons on the floor and pressed the button for "pregnant." Then she hit the button, "Mommy."
The adorable video received over 6 million views, 583,000 likes, and thousands of comments.
"Well done, guys. Going to be great parents, and Sapphie will be a great sister," one person wrote in the comments. "Sapphie's going to teach the baby how to use the buttons! They'll have the funniest convos!" said another.
And just when you thought you saw the cutest moment ever, they shared their gender reveal, and you guessed it, Sapphie got to reveal if they were expecting a girl or a boy.

Sapphie ran into the house with blue balloons announcing they were expecting a boy. This video received 2 million views and tons of congratulatory sentiments.
"Sapphire zoomies make it even better. Congrats," one person wrote. "Congrats. Sapphire will be a great sister, and you guys will be a perfect family," said another.