
Keshia Knight Pulliam Shuts Down Ex-Husband's Attempt for New Custody Trial

Home / Uncategorized / Keshia Knight Pulliam Shuts Down Ex-Husband's Attempt for New Custody Trial

By TheBlast Staff on March 19, 2019 at 8:56 AM EDT

Keshia Knight Pulliam scored a huge victory with a Georgia judge shutting down her ex-husband's attempt at getting a new custody trial.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, the judge denied former NFL star Ed Hartwell’s attempt at getting another shot at arguing for a different custody arrangement.

The judge wasn’t buying any of Hartwell’s arguments and sided with Knight Pulliam, who was represented by powerhouse attorney Tanya Mitchell-Graham.

Last year, Hartwell demanded a new trial over custody of his daughter and accused the judge of making several errors when they awarded primary custody to his ex-wife.

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In his motion, Hartwell blamed Pulliam for taking their daughter out of state during his scheduled visitation time, including one trip to show her support for Bill Cosby in his sexual assault trial.

According to Hartwell, Pulliam denied him visitation on several other occasions, including eight weeks while filming "Celebrity Big Brother."

Hartwell demanded a new trial and believed he deserved at least joint custody.
