Maralee Nichols Son With Tristan Thompson Attacked As A 'Poor Baby Boy' With No 'Fatherly Love'
By Kay on April 4, 2023 at 9:00 PM EDT
Maralee Nichols was just trying to celebrate being a mom to her son when her post was bombarded with comments about Tristan Thompson.
Maralee Nichols Is Right To Hide Her Son

The woman who had a baby with the basketball player after engaging in an entanglement with him enjoyed a beach day with her son whose name is Theo but we are yet to see his face. After reading the comments on the post, it makes sense.
Nichols posted a few photos and videos of her son enjoying the sand during their low-key beach day. He wore an adorable beige crew sweater with matching joggers and little black grip socks in the video he is navigating walking in the sand like a boss.
This isn’t as easy as it looks plenty of adults, steady on their feet have a hard time walking in the sand. The mom cheers her son on. In a photo, the two cuddle and look out at the sun setting. In another photo as the sun gets lower, the little one raises his hands to the sky, now covered up with a thick vest to brave the change of weather.
Unfortunately, the beautiful moment was challenged by hateful comments.
Tristan Thompson Has Taken Over

There is no question that Nichols has seen these comments, how can she not? Thompson is being discussed as if it is his own IG account. “It is so heartbreaking how tristan treats this beautiful baby,” commented one follower.
“Poor baby boy, missing fatherly love. 😢,” wrote another. “I hope this little guy get to know his other siblings!! None of them should lose out because of Tristan!” so as you can see, Thompson is being slammed for allegedly not being involved with their son.

The ball player is on the hook for $10,000 a month to take care of his unplanned son and that is sufficient for now as it seems he has no intentions to spend quality time with his fourth child so far.
Followers of ‘Third Trimester’ Thompson’s escapades are sick of seeing the Kardashian and Jenner women praising him for being a good dad when he has done some lackluster stuff regarding his other kids.

“A Good Father is a Father to all of his children. The K’s are hilarious when they talk about what a good father T is…😂 what a joke,” wrote a follower. Some followers praised Nichols for essentially doing it on her own in the physical sense, she still pocketing more child support monthly than most single parents will see in their lifetime.
“Thank god he has a mum like you thank god he will always be loved and cherished by a loving devoted mother ❤️.”
Meanwhile Over In Kardashian Land

Theo’s big sister True Thompson turned 5 and as expected, Theo wasn’t invited. The party was elaborate as usual, and some believe that Nichols’s post and caption were meant to shade Khloe Kardashian.
“Happiness 🫶🏼 it’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary,” writes the fitness expert. Followers immediately assumed she was speaking indirectly to the reality star and backed her up accordingly.

“Wonder why her little brother didn’t get invited to the birthday party of true like the big brother did,” called out one follower.
“This one will grow up mentally healthy and happy in the natural world.”
“Whether he and Khloe like it, the baby is for Tristan Thompson. 😠”