Dina Lohan's Internet Boyfriend Breaks Up With Her Just Before He Planned on Proposing
By TheBlast Staff on April 13, 2019 at 6:23 AM EDT
Dina Lohan has still not met her Internet boyfriend and that might never happen because he ended the relationship shortly before their planned first meeting ... where he was going to pop the question.
Jesse Nadler tells The Blast he broke things off with Lohan after she went off on him over a Facebook photo he posted of a friend's book. She thought it was a book about a woman (he says it wasn't) and she got upset.
Lohan called to apologize but Nadler says he was not having it and ended the relationship over the phone.
According to Nadler, Lohan was supposed to fly up to Tiburon, CA in a week for their first face-to-face meeting. They were supposed to spend some time up there where he had planned to pop the question. He says he already bought the ring (and a pair of vintage Tiffany earrings he planned to give her) and planned to drive down to Carmel to propose.
But now it appears to be for naught ... though Nadler says the two are still in communication, so who knows if the breakup will stick.
Dina Lohan has said the two met on Facebook and began a relationship but admitted the two had never met or even video chatted with each other.
Nadler previously told The Blast his chemistry with Lindsay Lohan’s mother is undeniable and said he was in love with Dina, even though he realized the relationship was “unorthodox.”