Police Give Woman Permission to Deface Nipsey Hussle Mural
By TheBlast Staff on April 29, 2019 at 1:47 AM EDT
Nipsey Hussle fans are irate after a woman vandalized a mural painted in the late-rapper's honor, but cops are making it clear she's allow to paint whatever she wants.
Police in Hartford, CT sent out a message Monday morning, "Lots of people are calling for action regarding the Nipsey Hussle mural being partially sprayed over. Please understand that the Heaven Skate Park has been declared an area welcome to graffiti/art."
They added, "Dozens of murals have been altered or sprayed over during the years."
Fans of Hussle were seething over the weekend after the woman was seen defacing the mural, most likely just to gain internet clout.
Luckily, the good people in Hartford were not going to let the artwork be spoiled, and have already repaired the damage.
