Jenelle Evans' Husband Was Covered in Blood After Viciously Beating Dog
By TheBlast Staff on May 2, 2019 at 4:47 AM EDT
1:45 PM PT — The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office and the Columbus County Animal Control tell The Blast they have "initiated a joint investigation into allegations of animal cruelty that reportedly occurred at a residence on Money Hole Road in Riegelwood."
The beating and execution of Jenelle Evans' french bulldog, Nugget, was so intense that David Eason was covered in blood after finishing off the lifeless animal.
Sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell The Blast, after Nugget nipped at 2-year-old Ensley, Eason allegedly sprung up, grabbed the dog by the throat and slammed it on the ground.
We're told Eason then began beating the dog inside the house, allegedly hitting it in the throat and throwing the french bulldog into a kitchen table.
Our source says the dog was wailing while Eason allegedly rained punches down on the animal's head, and everyone in the house was too terrified to stop him during the attack.
Eason then picked up the apparently lifeless dog and allegedly threw it out the front door, before walking inside the house and grabbing a pistol and shotgun, and then returning outside.
We're told after the dog was shot to death, Eason returned to the home with his hands and clothes "covered in blood." We're told Jenelle was home at the time, but the scene was so intense and traumatic that nobody said anything to Eason.
As we reported, the Columbus County Sheriff's Office responded to the home for a welfare check but did not receive reports of animal abuse.
We're told there's nothing that can be done to Eason unless a report is filed, and so far that has not happened.
Sources close to the situation tell us they believe Eason had been plotting to kill Nugget, and believe the entire incident was premeditated.
Our source pointed to the video Eason posted of Nugget nipping at Ensley, and believe he was ready to use that moment as an excuse to murder the animal.
