Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca

Peter Mayhew's Family Says Auctioned 'Star Wars' Items Still Not Returned

Home / Star Wars / Peter Mayhew's Family Says Auctioned 'Star Wars' Items Still Not Returned

By Kristin Myers on March 6, 2023 at 11:30 AM EST

The wife of late Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew is speaking out after ab auction house in the U.K. failed to return some of his “Star Wars” memorabilia.

The 7’2” actor played Chewbacca from the 1977 original “Star Wars: A New Hope” to 2015’s “The Force Awakens,” where he ceded the role to 6’11” Finnish actor Joonas Suotamo. Mayhew sadly passed away in April 2019.

Before his passing, several boxes of memorabilia were left in an attic in an old house and given to an auction house by the new owners. Although the auction house said that would return the items after backlash, Peter's widow, Angie Mayhew, says she has yet to see them returned.

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Peter Mayhew Foundation Says Auctioned 'Star Wars' Items Still Not Returned

On Monday, March 6, Angie, through the Peter Mayhew Foundation, tweeted, "1 month later, while @RyedaleAuction1 made a public statement that the items were being returned to Mrs. Mayhew no timeline has been given on when we might receive those items. The collection will eventually be on display at Holocron Toys for all to enjoy."

They attached a tweet from BBC presenter Jon Kay, who retweeted a statement from Ryedale Auctions. The statement read: “I was approached by a lovely older couple who were clearing their attic a quarter of a century after moving into their property.”

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“The contents of the attic included a bag of Star Wars memorabilia, which I thought might be of some interest to Star Wars fans. This wasn’t unusual, film memorabilia comes up for auction all the time and there was some subsequence press interest.”

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The Value Of Auctioned 'Star Wars' Items Was Reportedly 'Fairly Modest'

“The first I knew that the Peter Mayhew Foundation wanted to acquire it was following a tweet which garnered a lot of misinformed responses. Nobody had approached us to discuss it and had they done so I would of course have talked to the vendors.”

“The monetary value of the lot is fairly modest, but knowing how much it means to the Foundation and given that it had been in the attic for over 24 years, the vendors are quite happy to donate it to the Foundation to have permanently within their personal collection, not for profit, so that fans can access it in perpetuity.”

“I can only apologize to all of the Star Wars fans who had already shown great interest in owning a bit of film history.”

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The Peter Mayhew Foundation Is 'Very Hopeful' The Items Will Be Returned

One fan commented, "well its promising at least. I hope they follow through. I hope when you get it we (who aren't likely to get to TX) can see some pics! I'm glad it will be where it can be enjoyed by many."

Angie tweeted back: "We're very hopeful that the items are returned as they stated they would be. Holocron Toys in Fort Worth has agreed to empty out two of their vintage cases to display Peter's items and a selection of items from Peter's private Chewbacca collection. We just don't know when."

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Angie Explains Why They Left The 'Star Wars' Memorabilia In The Attic Amid Moving

Many fans have wondered why the items were left behind for another couple. A month ago, Angie took to Twitter to answer just that.

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Almost exactly one month ago, Angie tweeted, "We had just come from a convention Peter had appeared at and there had been a water leak so Peter didn't want me to go up there either and we ran out of time. Moving in general is stressful but moving between countries with a 7'4" disabled partner, it was a very difficult time."

Many fans are hoping that the missing Star Wars items are returned to the Peter Mayhew Foundation soon for all to enjoy.

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