Dr. Pimple Popper -- See This GIANT 'Jelly Fish' Lipoma Explode Out Of Patient's Arm!
By Mike Walters on January 26, 2021 at 3:05 PM EST
Dr. Pimple Popper is taking her craft to a whole new level after attacking this monster lipoma that has grown in on the arm of this patient -- and you will not believe what comes exploding out!
In this case, Dr. Sandra Lee has some advice for people who really want to great the whole experience of this popping session, saying, "All I have to say is turn your sound on," which she captioned the newest video.
As for the sound, we will get to that -- but first, you have to see the insides of this monster cyst!
Take A Look!

In the brutal video, Dr. Lee slices open the top of this gigantic growth and starts by sticking her fingers inside of the body to start and extract the giant lipoma. It is insane!
"Looks like raw chicken," one fan said after seeing it start to flop out of the body. Another added, "Look like a chicken cutlet!" Not only does it look like raw chicken, just wait until it coming flying out of the body! -- it looks like the whole chicken!

After the good doctor loosens up the insides, she reaches with both hands and gives it a massive squeeze! And, the sound it makes you will never forget! Scroll down to see the action!
"WOW‼? What a POP‼✌" one fan wrote after seeing the mind-blowing video! "It looks like a liver!" another added.
The craziest part of this popping session is that the entire thing comes flying out in one piece! Dr. PP is able to squeeze this thing and keep it completely intact as she extracts it from the body. Plus, she lays it out on the table for us to view!

"My mouth dropped when it popped out?," a reality fan wrote.
Of course, the size and color of this massive cyst brought up even more questions after seeing it laying on the table. "All lipomas in the videos have yellow color, in my case the lipoma had white color. Some explanation for this?" one person asked. How much did it weigh??" another inquired.
We don't know, but what we do know is how INSANE this video is -- so sit back and take a look at this one! Sound ON!