Jennifer Lopez Reportedly Snubbed Tommy Davidson After 'In Living Color' Series
By TheBlast Staff on January 24, 2021 at 7:12 AM EST
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The climb to the top usually consists of reaching milestones, and before Jennifer Lopez became the renowned icon she is today, she used to work as a professional dancer.
Giving credits, Lopez admitted that her role as ‘Fly Girl’ on the “In Living Color” series jump-started her career.
During her time on two seasons on the show, the actress worked alongside talented comedians, including Tommy Davidson.
Meanwhile, during a recent interview, Davidson shared that he admired Lopez but that she had snubbed him at an event and suggested that the fame might have changed her.
From The Bottom Up

It’s no secret that Lopez was a prodigy as she began taking dance lessons when she was only five years old, and at seven, she began touring with her dance school.
By the time Lopez was a teenager, she had performed in-stage musicals and went on tours to Europe for productions, including The Golden Musicals of Broadway and Synchronicity.
However, her first professional paid gig was as a backup dancer for the “New Kids on the Block” in 1991. She danced with them during the performance of “Games” at the 18th Annual American Music Awards.
Persistence And Success

As the audition advanced, Lopez finally landed a role in the “Fly Girl” dance troupe on “In Living Color.”
She made it to the finals out of 2,000 applicants and finished the show as a runner-up. Luckily for her, the winner was unable to accept the job, and Lopez filled the role.
At the start of the show’s third season, the dancer moved to LA to film the series.
Throughout its run, the show featured dances choreographed by dancer and actor Rosie Perez and was one of the first TV shows to include hip-hop dance routines.
Credits When Due

After the show ended, Lopez gave due credit to the show for kicking off her career and developed a good relationship with the cast, including Davidson.
The latter became famous for his parodies of celebrities, including MC Hammer and Michael Jackson.
Davidson is currently promoting his memoir during his time on “In Living Color.” In the memoir, he shared fond memories of his favorite colleagues, including Lopez.
The memoir, however, noted that the singer and businesswoman do not share similar sentiments, as Davidson believes that Lopez let her success get into her head.
No Ill Feelings

In a chat with Wendy Williams, Davidson said Lopez ignored him at an event they attended together. He recalled that he had been enthusiastic about meeting her again, and she was flippant in her reply as she walked away.
Admitting he was sensitive to this behavior, Davidson shared that the interaction had hurt his feelings.
He continued that he looked forward to rekindling the personal relationship they shared but met a stone-wall as Lopez attained success and became famous. Despite being hurt by her actions, Davidson shared that he was proud of Lopez’s success.