Actor Armie Hammer Tenders Apology For 'Miss Cayman' Description
By TheBlast Staff on January 19, 2021 at 4:18 AM EST
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A video leaked from the private Instagram account of actor Armie Hammer(posted by the Daily Mail), which is said to be followed by only his close friends, has caused a rain of attacks on the “Rebecca” actor. On the leaked Instagram post, Hammer showed off a woman who was scantily dressed and laid on a bed, and he captioned his post “Miss Cayman” which was rather offensive.
According to theDaily Mail,Hammer also posted a video of himself vaping on December 16, on his secret Instagram account and captioned it “When you realize they don't test for DMT on drug tests.”
Keep reading to know more.
Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee Reacts To The video

As regards Hammer's video, the real Miss Cayman Islands Universe Committee revealed that “they were very disturbed by the video and would like to confirm that the woman in the video, is not the reigning Miss Cayman Islands and has no affiliation to the Miss Cayman Islands Universe pageant”
“The Committee and the reigning Miss Cayman “Mariah Tibbetts” regard this issue with the utmost seriousness and the matter has been reported to the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS), the role of Miss Cayman is in part, to serve as a role model to young Caymanian women.
The depiction of the woman in the video goes against all that our organization stands for and the Committee is consequently requesting that Mr. Hammer immediately remove all references to Miss Cayman from his social media channels.”
Armie Hammer Tenders A Profound Apology
Armie Hammer on Sunday