Sam Smith Attacked On Social Media For 'Satanic' Grammy Performance
By Kay on February 7, 2023 at 1:00 PM EST
Sam Smith and collaborator Kim Petras are really getting trashed online for their 2023 Grammy performance. Is Sam in a satanic cult?
Sam Smith ‘Summoning’ The Devil

The name of Sam and Kim’s song’s Grammy-winning hit song is “Unholy” so, naturally, one would assume the performance for the song would be a little bit risqué. It seems that the performance evoked an upset in a mass amount of people who are taking to social media to confront both Sam and Kim for exposing them to their show.

Fans were even more upset when they realized that the performance, well the entire Grammy’s ceremony was sponsored by Pfizer. “The Grammy's featured Sam Smith's demonic performance and was sponsored by Pfizer,” shared one concerned follower of the trend.
“And the Satanic Church now has an abortion clinic in NM that requires its patients to perform a satanic ritual before services,” they continued.

Others could tolerate the performance, it’s art after all, but the Pfizer thing, it was unforgivable. “To make matters worse, the Grammys award show that featured Sam Smith's debauchery was sponsored by none other than Pfizer.”
Sam Smith Was Literally The Devil

The singer took the stage in a bloody red ensemble with a top hat that features devil horns on top. The performance was full of worship and “debauchery” and Smith and Petras of course, sang the life out of the surprise hit.

Still, some longed for that “old” Sam. “What happened to "that" Sam Smith(Grammys 2016)!??” they asked along with posting a picture of Same pre coming into their own. The message continues, “What happened in the last 6 years?! Clearly something not normal!”
Another follower didn’t think it was right to be talking about this and not about real problems like school shootings. “Simple "Thoughts and prayers" to kids being mass murdered in school but all out war over a Sam Smith Grammy performance.”
Followers Are Laughing At How Mad People Are

The performance was eye-catching. So much so that republicans are commenting furiously regarding the performance and how upsetting it was for them to have to sit through it. The irony is not lost on many.

“Sam Smith & Kim Petras got Republicans mad today! Maybe I will give unholy a stream today,” joked the Twitter user.
Another follower called out Republican Ted Cruz for being so involved in a non-violent incident yet showing no concern for violent ones.
“Ted Cruz said Sam Smith's GRAMMYs performance of "Unholy" was "EVIL": Evil is when a man walks into a school & murders a dozen children Evil is when Russia bombs schools & hospitals to steal land Evil is NOT when a musician dances around in a devil suit performing a hit song,” they wrote.

One follower of the trend commented, "If you're upset with Sam Smith for simply wearing a red shirt then you're the problem.” Others hit back pointing out that it’s not just a red shirt it’s a devil hat and cloak, and the dancers are fawning and crawling over Sam.

In addition, at one part of the performance, it looked to be mimicking a NSFW bedroom act and that caused a whole other upset.
“Sam Smith literally performed a satanic ritual at the Grammys..... & it was literally "brought to you by Pfizer. This is our time to protect our children from these sick & deranged, dark and nasty energies.”
Finally, one follower just called it, “Sam Smith and the whole trans community is trolling
MAGA and they don't even know it. love it.”
How was the performance for you?