'Below Deck's Elizabeth Frankini Talks Recent Accident, Falling-Out With Co-Star
By TheBlast Staff on December 21, 2020 at 10:52 AM EST
Elizabeth Frankini / Instagram
During the Monday, December 14 episode of the hit "Bravo!" program "Below Deck," show star Elizabeth Frankini fell into some serious trouble when she caused a toxic laundry error.
Despite that being a bad look for the crew member, Frankini took to a recent conversation withE! News to maintain that the isolated incident is not indicative of her work ethic as a whole. Beyond that, she also touched on some less-than-ideal in-show drama between her and Chief Stewardess Francesca Rubi.
The Ties Between It All

Frankini explained to the publication that her laundry mishap was pretty much directly correlated to the way that Rubi treats her on the show. She told E! that, "I was honestly distracted by…the way Francesca answered me. I was really starting to feel a lot of condescending animosity from her."
To defend her actions regarding the laundry directly, Frankini added that she exactly used "the bleach and the soap like [she has] done in [her] four-and-a-half years of experience on boats."
Mistakes On Mistakes

"Unfortunately, I didn't know that was so toxic and I feel so bad about it," Frankini went on to say. "You know, I do feel really bad, especially 'cause Francesca did say, 'Take it outside.'"
The reality star admitted to not heeding Rubi's advice about the mistake, which she knows was another mistake within itself, but didn't say her disregard was intentional by any means. In fact, she stated that she is quite remorseful the entire situation took place to begin with.
Owning Up To It

"I don't know what happened," she continued to say. "There's so much always that we have to do, and it can get a lot, so that's my mistake."
Despite whatever occurred, Frankini went on about how she was "very surprised" by the way that Rubi responded to the entire situation, largely questioning why the Head Stewardess even insinuated that the ordeal was a fire-able offense in her eyes.
Further in the interview, she spoke openly about her co-star's thoughts on it all.
Defending Herself

"Not that I didn't think it was a big deal but, up until that point, anything that she was going on at me about was nothing worth getting fired for," she stated adamantly, defending her position in the ordeal. "It really came out of nowhere for me."
The clear animosity that exists between the two was furthered when Frankini started questioning her co-star's leadership qualities, saying, "Leadership sets the tone for everything. So, a good leader empowers, inspires, sets a good standard for the team, leads by example, you know, delegates properly, communicates, and I found, in my experience, that this was lacking in her."