Valerie Bertinelli Spreads Awareness About Emotional And Mental Abuse
By Melanie VanDerveer on January 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM EST
After reposting a TikTok video on Instagram about why some relationships end, Valerie Bertinelli wanted to explain it further since many were dropping into her DM's with their thoughts.
"I seem to have started a little firestorm in my DM's with my previous Story, so let me try to clarify a few things," she began her explanation. "If I post something and it doesn't resonate with you, that means it's not for you. Don't take it in. Don't take it personally, it's not for you."
Valerie Bertinelli Opened Up A Candid Conversation About Mental Abuse

The reposted video stated, "A man usually leaves a woman for another woman. But a woman leaves a man for herself." Bertinelli, 62, wanted to clarify a few things about mental and emotional abuse. "What she's saying in the post, is usually, but not always, not always, a man will leave a relationship for another woman. And usually, but not always, a woman needs to leave to find herself," she said. "When it comes to emotional abuse and mental abuse, it's not talked about because people just think I'm not being physically abused so it's not abuse, right?"
She continues to explain how sometimes a person loses themselves trying to make their partner feel loved and, in that process, they've lost the love and respect they have for themselves. "So, she will leave, or she or he will leave, to just find themselves again, to love themselves again, because they don't even know who they are," she explained. Everything feels so confused, you think you're crazy, so you just need to get healthy."
Bertinelli wanted her followers to know if her posts don't resonate with them, it's okay because it's not necessarily for you. She said she does notice there's a huge community of people who her posts do resonate with and that's who she's hoping to reach.
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Many of the Food Network star's followers could relate to her content and commented on the explanation post. "You’re correct. There are no absolutes. Yet, I feel this is more true than not. I also feel you don’t have to explain yourself but thank you for being genuine. Folks will always have something to complain or argue about," one follower wrote.
"I believe that’s why dating is so important red flags would come up some faster then others, when you truly get your point of loving yourself, nobody can say, or do anything that could take that away from you, unless you give it to them! Good post," added another.
One follower explained how this content hit home saying, "Thank you Valerie. Going through something very personal and painful similar to what you’re sharing. My goal is to get through it literally one day at a time… ❤️🩹"
So many other followers have been through emotional or mental abuse and wanted to thank Bertinelli for her candid conversation because it's not always talked about. "Wow this post resonates with me too much. After removing myself from a 30+ year relationship and healing from the emotional and mental abuse. Physical scars heal but the healing from emotional and mental abuse take so much longer to heal and the scars are something that no one can see - only you feel them," one person shared.
"It’s almost like you were speaking directly to me! Thank you ♥️🙏," wrote another.
Valerie Bertinelli Is Having A Dry January And Sharing Her Journey On IG

On January 5, Bertinelli posted a video talking about her decision to have a dry January. "I have decided to go dry January," she said. "I like it so far." She explained that she decided to do this after being motivated by a friend, and because she wants to cut down on sugar cravings and "calm down the cortisol in my body that has been raging for the last five, six years."
Bertinelli said she's been drinking less and less over the past six or seven months, so this is more about cutting sugar and resetting her dysregulated nervous system. She's clearly not alone in trying out a dry January as many of her social media followers jumped into the comments to talk about their thoughts and experiences on it.
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"I gave up sugar 4 years ago and I am calm and the anger I had has drastically went down. Don’t get me wrong I do have a cheat day once a month, or sugar free and it’s been a game changer for me. I never want to be that person I was for so long. It caused some type of in balance in my brain," one follower shared.
"Thank you for sharing. I did DJ 3 years ago and have never gone back. Alcohol is one of the top3 inflammatory substances that we can ingest. Stopping has calmed down my IBS and I have lost 40 pounds. Just wish I’d stopped drinking 10 years sooner," added another.