Gwyneth Paltrow Mocked For Adding 'Fat, Fat And Fat' To Her 'Detox' Salad
By Kay on January 19, 2023 at 11:15 PM EST
Gwyneth Paltrow cooked up a “detox” salad for her followers on IG but the results weren’t as she expected.
Gwyneth Paltrow’s Salmon Is Full Of ‘Fat’

Paltrow has been on a mission with her company Goop to spread the word about the wonders of healthy living, every now and again she pops up on their social media pages to show face and debut a new product or in this case a salad recipe.
The 50-year-old maintains that she likes to throw down in the kitchen but her followers found her painfully wasteful when prepping her salmon salad. The Oscar winner chopped up her veggies but left chunks of good cookable parts out.

She essentially chopped her asparagus in half and wasted parts that could have been cooked. One follower pointed out that a knife isn’t even necessary when prepping asparagus because it will snap right where it needs to.
Another shared that Paltrow’s salad was too fatty to be healthy. The comment section was soon flooded with mixed reviews about this green salad that Paltrow has raved about in the past.
Gwyneth Paltrow’s Salad Sparks Angry Debate

Not only were Paltrow’s followers upset with her wasteful tactics they were blasting one another for their differences in opinions on the subject matter.
“That’s the first meal on this detox series that looks appetising! But please folks, don’t murder asparagus like that. Waaaaay too much waste,” shared one follower.

“This looks delicious. And I can’t believe the comment section if you don’t like her, if you think she’s old, if you want to critique the salmon how much vegetable she’s cutting up or cutting off, etc. etc. then stop following Goop! Jeez the negative energy is 100 times more toxic than her use of olive oil or her salmon!”
Gwyn was repeatedly called out for her use of oils throughout the recipe. “Nice meal but it has a lot of fat in it- oil on grilled veggies, salmon covered in oil and a dressing! Your liver can’t detox poisons with all that fat it has to deal with. It’s a start to drop dairy and gluten tho.”
‘Stop Detoxing’ Gwyneth Paltrow

Many followers began begging the mom of two to stop detox and also, stop promoting detoxing because it isn’t real anyway. A nurse practitioner hopped into the comments and read Paltrow the riot act about her detox theories.
She started off by calling out Paltrow for trying to profit from her lies. “Girl you just make crap up to make a buck.”

She then launched into facts about the body that she has learned as an NP. “Your liver is what takes care of cleansing the body of toxins. All this “cleanse” bullshit is just another way for you to make cash. People I’m a nurse practitioner who practices integrative medicine. You don’t need these ridiculous “cleanse” gimmicky crap.” She carried on to slam Paltrow’s Netflix show and praise healthy eating and exercise.

Some followers feared that Gwyneth has a secret eating disorder because of her obsession with detox. “She’s always detoxing/resetting what she eats. It feels obsessive. It also appears like disordered eating. It appears unhealthy.”
We aren’t as obsessed with the fat content over here and truthfully, that salad looks pretty good! Besides, aren’t they all healthy fats on the plate anyway?
The whole video is below if you want to judge for yourself!