'Amazon' Boss Jeff Bezos Officially Files For 50/50 Custody Of His Children
By Liz Walters on October 30, 2020 at 7:27 PM EDT
UPDATE: A source close to the case tells The Blast, after filing the petition in court, "The parties have since reached an agreement and the case has been submitted for dismissal."
'Amazon' boss Jeff Bezos has officially filed for 50/50 custody of his children in the divorce with ex-wife, Mackenzie, after the richest man in the world claims no signed legal agreement exists which includes a "residential schedule." Bezos is also asking an order be put in place so that neither party can speak poorly about the other in front of the children.
According to legal documents, obtained by The Blast, the billionaire filed a new petition to change his parenting plan and custodial time with ex-wife Mackenzie Scott. In the documents, Bezos claims he has "valid reasons to ask for these changes and that those changes are in the children's best interest".
In the filing, Bezos is asking the court to order a "50/50 residential schedule" changing on "alternating weeks."
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According to the documents, filed in King County, Washington, the 'Amazon' founder is also asking for a few more changes in his custodial time with the kids.
In the filing, Bezos says, "I ask the court to adjust the parenting schedule to add 24 full days a year to the school schedule and to consolidate father’s residential time into one block of 6 overnights every two weeks, which is more child-centered and which works best with the children’s and the father’s schedule."
As for why the need to file the public documents, Bezos claims the initial settlement of the divorce, the 'Parenting Plan' agreement "does not contain a residential schedule." Plus, the 'Amazon' honcho says the two parties have "operated under agreements made in 2019 and 2020" but that was NOT a court-ordered schedule.
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Jeff Bezos includes in the new court filing that his three minor children have "lived in my home on an equal basis with the other parent’s permission April through August 2020."
In other words, the situation is currently working but he is asking a legal order to be put in place to make it official.
Interestingly, Bezos is also requesting that the final order and custody plan "include a provision that neither party will discuss parental conflict with the children." The billionaire stops short of saying if there has ever been an issue with either party speaking poorly about the other, but still wants an order prohibiting it.
Bezo also wants wife Mackenzie to take part in "co-parenting counseling for six months."
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In a subsequent document filed in Bezos' divorce, the Amazon boss provided the court with proof of completion of the mandated parenting seminar under King County Family Law called, "What About the Children".
As we reported, Jeff and Mackenzie settled their divorce last year, and Mackenzie reportedly received $38 billion in Amazon stock in the deal. It's clear, at the time an initial settlement agreement was made regarding their children. But, it appears Bezos is wanting to put a more permanent deal in place.
In the initial deal, both indicated there would be no spousal or child support awarded in the case. As you can imagine, it is not necessary in this case.
After the divorce announcement, it was reported Jeff Bezos started dating former news anchor Lauren Sanchez.