Olympic Gymnast Nastia Liukin Hits Back Over Anorexia Remark
By Gary Trock on October 15, 2020 at 8:26 PM EDT
Nastia Liukin / Instagram
Olympic gymnast Nastia Liukin is lashing out after an online critic accused her of promoting anorexia, and the world-class athlete is making it very clear that she is only being true to herself and promoting a body that she has earned through decades of painstakingly hard work and dedication. 30-year-old Liukin took to Instagram late Thursday evening to address the situation head-on after a follower sent the influencer a DM that included an accusation of promoting an unhealthy lifestyle for fans.

Nastia Liukin / Instagram
The direct message was sent to Nastia Liukin earlier in the day after the star posted her early-morning workout routine, which included a visit to her local pilates studio near her home in Dallas, Texas.
"Do u feel like u r promoting borderline anorexia looking bodies?" the question read.
The message was in reference to Liukin, who is thin and very fit, taking a selfie during her workout. The comment clearly struck a cord with the 5-time gold medal Olympic gymnast, who posted the interaction and responded with a sharp defense.

Nastia Liukin / Instagram
Liukin, who won 5 gold medals, including the coveted all-around finals in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, did not dance around her words when she defended her position for posting sexy content of her body.
"If taking pictures of my OWN body -- a body that won me many Olympics medals, a body that I push each day to get stronger, a body that God gave me -- is inherently promoting anorexia, then honestly,we've gotten to a place in the world where just BEING is offensive," Liukin wrote on Instagram.

Nastia Liukin / Instagram
The star continued to explain that she is only being authentic when she posts online:
"This is ME. This is my body. While I've always been thin, I've not always been strong. I'm proud to say that I am truly stronger now than I've ever been. I'm sorry if my body is triggering to you. I don't believe that I should have to cover it up for fear of being offensive."
She added, "I promote real, I promote raw, and I promote truth."

Nastia Liukin / Instagram
Finally, the Olympic star went on to explain that all bodies should be glorified, regardless of shape and size.
"Ever BODY should be loved. And why shouldn't my body fall into that, too? I'm sorry for whatever you're going through that made you think writing this note to me was in any way OK. I hope you heal from your traumas just as I have healed from mine (and continue to)."
"All of my love," Liukin wrote as she ended her message on a note of positivity.